Information Technology Syllabus Polytechnic MSBTE 5th Semester

MSBTE Syllabus Fifth Semester Information Technology IT Course and Classes in Nagpur for Polytechnic Diploma G Scheme MSBTE

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for IT Information Technology fifth semester for all polytechnic institutes in India . The Following syllabus is of MSBTE Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. Final Year Projects Training is also given to IT Information Technology Students of poly diploma MSBTE students

Polytechnic Diploma Information Technology MSBTE .

w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 G SchemeMSBTE

1 Operating System
2 Software Engineering
3 Information Security
4 Java Programming
5 Communication Technology
6 Behavioural Science
7 Network Management and Administration
8 Professional Practices - III / Industrial Training (Optional)

Operating System

Objectives:Ø Distinguish between various generation of computer.Classify different types of operating system.1.1 Operating System - Evaluation, Generations 1st, 2nd, 3rd1.2 Different Types of Operating systems- Batch operating system,Multi Programmed, Multitasking, Time Shared OS.Multiprocessor Systems, Distributed Systems, Cluster Systems,Real time systems.04 12
02Operating System Structures:
Objectives:State services & functions of Operating Systems.Use system callsDistinguish between different kernel architecture.2.1 Different Services of Operating System.2.2 System Calls- Concept, Types and Uses2.3 Simple Structure, Layered, Monolithic, Microkernel.2.4 Components activities- Process Management, Main MemoryManagement, File Management, I/O System management,Secondary storage management.08 18
03Process Management :
Objectives:Ø Describe Process, process scheduling, schedulers.Ø Describe inter-process communication & synchronization.Ø Describe critical section problem & solution to ensure the
consistency of shared dataØ Describe multithreading models.
3.1 Process-Concept, process states, Process Control Block.3.2 Process Scheduling- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Contextswitch.
3.3 Inter-process communication- Introduction, shared memorysystem & message passing system, critical section problem,semaphores.
3.4 Threads - Benefits, users and kernel threads, MultithreadingModels - Many to One, One to One, Many to Many.10 22
04Scheduling :Objectives:Describe CPU scheduling.Describe various CPU-scheduling algorithms.Solve problems based on them.Describe deadlock and its algorithm4.1 Scheduling & its types - Objectives, concept, CPU and I/O burstcycles, Pre-emptive, Non- Pre-emptive Scheduling, Schedulingcriteria 4.2 Types of Scheduling algorithms - First come first served (FCFS),Shortest Job First (SJF), Shortest Remaining Time(SRTN),Round Robin (RR) Priority scheduling, multilevel queuescheduling10 20 4.3 Deadlock - System Models, Necessary Conditions leading toDeadlocks, Deadlock Handling - Preventions, avoidance,Banker’s algorithm05File System and Memory Management Objectives:Distinguish between memory allocation methodsØ Distinguish between various file access methods.Ø Describe files, file attributes and file structure.5.1 Basic Memory Management - Partitioning, Fixed and Variable,Free Space management Techniques - Bitmap, Linked List.5.2 Virtual Memory – Concept, Segmentation, Paging, Page table,Page fault.5.3 File – Concepts, Attributes Operations, Types, and File SystemStructure.5.4 Access Methods – Sequential, Direct, Swapping, File AllocationMethods- Contiguous, Linked, Indexed.5.5 Directory Structure – Single level, Two levels.10 2006
UNIX : A Case Study
Ø Draw system structure and file system structure of UNIX
Ø Distinguish between UNIX and LINUX system
Introduction, Overview of UNIX, Structure of UNIX OS, Booting,
File System Of UNIX, UNIX and LINUX Comparison.

List of Practical:
Sr. No. Title of Experiment No. of Hours
1 Differentiate between various Operating System 02
2 Use of file processing and Communication command – tr, wc, cut,
paste, sort 02
3 Use of file processing and Communication command- who, who am I,
mesg, talk, wall, write, news, mail. 02
4 Use of general purpose and process commands- date, time, cal, clear,
banner 02
5 Use of general purpose and process commands- , tty, man, bc, ps, wait,
sleep, exit, kill. 02
6 Work with file and directory commands viz, pwd, cat, ls, cd, mkdir,
rmdir, rm, mv 02
7 Work with file and directory commands viz cp, join, split, head, tail,
omm., pr, chmod, cmp. 02
8 Use of vi editor and editor commands 04
9 Write and execute menu driven shell scripts using case structures(any
two) 02
10 Write and program to implement the Shortest Job First algorithm. 04
11 Write and program to implement the Priority scheduling algorithm. 04
12 Write and program to implement the Round-Robin algorithm. 04
**Students can perform any ten practical

Software Engineering

01 Overview Of Software Engineering And The Software Development Process Objectives:-. To understand meaning of Software and the types of Software. . To understand the Software Engineering approach and its need . To understand role of a software process and a process model in a software project. . To understand various activities in the Software Process. . To know various models for the Software development process. 1.1 Definition of Software and Characterstics of Software 1.2 Types / Categories of Software 1.3 Software Engineering – Definition, Need 1.4 Relationship between Systems Engineering and Software Engineering 1.5 Software Engineering-A Layered Technology Approach 1.6 Software Development Generic Process Framework-Software Process, Software Product, Software Work-Product, Basic Framework Activities, Umbrella Activities 1.7 Personal and Team Process Models (PSP and TSP) – Concept, Significance with respect to Ongoing Process Improvement, Goals, List of framework activities included 1.8 Prescriptive Process Models-. The Waterfall Model (Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, Associated Problems) . The Incremental Model (Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, General steps, Drawbacks) . RAD Model (Nature, Situations in which applicable with example,General steps, Drawbacks) . Prototyping (Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, General steps, Drawbacks) . Spiral Model (Nature, Situations in which applicable with example, General steps, Advantages, Disadvantages) 1.9 Agile Software Development – . Difference between Prescriptive and Agile Process Model . Features of the Agile Software Development Approach . Concept of Extreme Programming.
08 20

Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE

02 Software Engineering Practices And Software Requirements Engineering Objectives:-. To become familiar with the standard Software Engineering Practices. . To understand to carry out Requirements Engineering Tasks. . To understand the importance of the SRS Document in the software Project. 2.1 Software Engineering Practices -Definition, Importance, Essence 2.2 Core Principles of Software Engineering (Statements & Meaning of each Principle) 2.3 Communication Practices (Concept, Need of Communication, Statements and Meaning of each principle) 2.4 Planning Practices (Concept, Need of Planning, Basic Activities included, Statements and Meaning of each principle) 2.5 Modelling Practices . Concept of Software Modelling . Analysis Modelling ( Concept, Name of the analysis domains represented, Analysis Modelling Principles -Statements & Meaning of each principle . Design Modelling ( Concept, Name of the three design aspects, Design Modelling Principles -Statements & Meaning of each principle) 2.6 Construction Practices . Concept of Software Construction . Coding (Concept, Preparation Principles, Coding Principles, Validation Principles) . Testing (Concept, Testing Principles) 2.7 Software Deployment . Concept of Delivery Cycle, Support Cycle & feedback Cycle . Deployment Principles-statements & meaning of each principles 2.8 Requirements Engineering . Concept of Requirements Engineering . Requirement Engineering Tasks (Concept and sub-tasks included) 2.9 SRS (Software Requirements Specifications) . Concept of SRS . General Format of SRS . Need/Importance of SRS
06 16
03 Analysis And Design Modelling Objectives:-. To understand to build Analysis Model for a Software. . To understand to apply design concepts and to build design
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elements 3.1 Analysis Modelling . Concept and need of Analysis Modelling . Objectives of Analysis Modelling 3.2 Analysis Modelling approaches . Structured Analysis (Concept) . Object Oriented Analysis (Concept) 3.3 Domain Analysis . Concept of Technical Domain of the software (to be discussed with examples) . Concept of Application Domain of the Software (to be disscussed with the examples: Finance & Banking, Hospitability, Health care, Embeded Software, Inventory System, etc.) . Goals . Inputs and Output of Domain analysis 3.4 Building the Analysis Model . Data Modelling Concepts ( Meaning of the Terms-Data Objects, Data Relationships, Data Attributes, Cardinality & Modality with Examples) . Flow-Oriented Modelling -DFD ( Use, Standard Notations, Rules to be followed, DFD Construction – Using any case Study) -Data Dictionary( Concept, Use, contents to be incoporated, Advantages) -Creating a Control Flow Model ( Nature of software applications where it is required and used, Guidelines used for creating the model) -Creating Control Specifications (CSPEC) -Creating Process Specifications (PSPEC) . Scenario-Based Modelling -Developing Use Cases -What is a Use Case? -Purpose of a Use Case -Use Case Diagram . Creating a behavioural model -Concept -General Steps involved 3.5 Design Modelling . Design Process -Concept of Software Design -Design Quality Guidelines . Design Concepts -Meaning and importance of the following eight concepts w.r.t. ease of design, development, testing and debugging-i) Abstration ii) Architecture iii) Patterns iv) Modularity v) Information Hiding vi) Functional Independence vii) Refinement viii)Refactoring 3.6 The Design model . Data Design Elements . Architectural-Design elements

Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE

. Interface Design Elements . Component-Level design elements . Deployment-Level Design Elements 04 Software Testing Strategies And Methods Objectives:-. To become familiar with concepts and strategies of Testing and Debugging. 4.1 Software Testing Fundamentals . Definition of Software Testing . Concept of -Good Test, Successful Test, Testing strategies, Test Plan, Test Cases, Test Data. 4.2 Characterstics of Testing Strategies 4.3 Software Verification and Validation (V&V) -Concept and difference between these two. 4.4 Testing Strategies . Unit Testing . Integration Testing -Top-Down Approach -Bottom-up Approach -Regression Testing -Smoke Testing 4.5 Alpha and Beta Testing ( Concept and differences) 4.6 System Testing . Concept of System Testing . Types ( Recovery, Security, Stress, Performance Testing ) with examples 4.7 Concept of White-box and Black-Box Testing 4.8 Debugging . Concept and need of Debugging . Characterstics of bugs 4.9 Debugging Strategies . Concept of Brute Force, Back Tracking, Induction, Deduction
08 16

Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE

05 Software Project Management Objectives:-. To understand the importance of Project Scheduling. . To become familiar with Project Scheduling Techniques. . To understand the concept of software risks and Risk Managemant. . To understand the importance of Software Configuration Management. 5.1 Introduction to Software Project Management and its need. 5.2 The Management Spectrum – 4 Ps and their Significance 5.3 Project Scheduling . Concept of Project Scheduling . Factors that delay Project Schedule . Principles of Project Scheduling . Project Scheduling Techniques-Concept of Gantt Chart, PERT, CPM 5.4 Concept of Task Network 5.5 Ways of Project Tracking 5.6 Risk Management . What is Software Risk? . Concept of Proactive and Reactive risk strategies . Types of Software Risks 5.7 Risk Assessment . Risk Identification . Risk Analysis . Risk Prioritization 5.8 Risk control-Need, RMMM strategy 5.9 Software Configuration Management (SCM) . Need of SCM . Benefits of SCM . SCM Repository-Functions and Features supported . SCM Process-Change control and version Control
08 18
06 Software Quality Management Objectives:-. To develop quality awareness for software products. . To become familiar with the available Quality Standards. 6.1 Basic Quality Concepts 6.2 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) . Definition of SQA . SQA Activities 6.3 Concept of Statistical SQA 6.4 Quality Evaluation Standards . Six sigma for software -Concept of DMAIC and DMDAV Approach . ISO 9000 for software -concept and major considerations 6.5 CMMI-CMMI Levels, Process Areas considered. 6.6 CMMI Vs ISO. 6.7 McCall’s Quality factors.
06 12
Total 48 100

Information Security

1 Introduction to Information Security Objectives: ØUnderstand basic of Information ØLearn three pillars of information security ØUnderstand information classification ØLearn principles of information security 1.1 Information, Need and Importance of Information, information classification, criteria for information classification 1.2 Security, need of security, Basics principles of information security 1.3 Three pillars of information security, data obfuscation, event classification 08 12
2 Information security architecture and model Objectives: ØUnderstand the information security management ØLearn about security policies and standard. ØUnderstand concept of TCB ØUnderstand common criteria for information security evaluation 2.1 Information security and Risk Management, Security policies, guidelines, standards 2.2 Trusted computing base, Rings of Trust, Protection Mechanisms in a trusted Computing Base 2.3 System security assurance concepts, Trusted computer security Evaluation Criteria 2. 4 Information Technology security Evaluation Criteria, Confidentiality and Integrity Models. 12 24
3 Cryptography Objectives: ØCommon term related to field of cryptography ØDemonstrate how to encrypt and decrypt messages using transposition and substitution method ØLearn about stenography ØPurposes and uses of digital signatures. 3.1 Introduction, Application of cryptography, Classical encryption Techniques, Symmetric cipher 3.2 Substitution cipher •Ceasor cipher •Playfair cipher •Hill cipher 3.3 Transposition cipher •Row transposition cipher •One Time Pad 3.4 Stegnography, Digital Signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital Signature Standards 12 24
4 Data Recovery and cyber security Objectives: 08 20

w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE
ØUnderstand recovery of data from different ways ØLearn about different cyber crimes ØUnderstand IT acts in India 4.1 Introduction to Deleted File Recovery Formatted Partition Recovery, Data Recovery Tools, Data Recovery Procedures and Ethics. 4.2 Introduction to Cyber Crimes – Hacking, Cracking, Viruses, Virus Attacks, Pornography, Software Piracy, Intellectual property, Legal System of Information Technology, Mail Bombs, Bug Exploits, Cyber Crime Investigation 4.3 Introduction Cyber Laws- Introduction to IT act 2000 and IT act 2008, Introduction to the cyber laws.
5 Access, physical control and compliance standards Objectives: ØUnderstand the need of physical security ØDifferent Authorization and Authentication mechanism ØOverview of different standards and frameworks 5.1 Identification, Authorization , Authentication, Biometrics, Single Sign –on, Kerberos, Remote user access and Authentication, 5.2 Physical access control, Physical access threats, providing physical security 5.3 Compliance standards : Implementing and Information Security Management System , ISO 27001, ISO 20000, BS 25999, PCI DSS, ITIL framework, COBIT framework 08 20
Total 48 100

List of Practical:
Sr. No. Title of Experiment No. of Hours
1 Knowing the security provided with windows operating system 02
2 Recovery the password of windows machines using password recover utility (John the ripper) or any other utility 02
3 Tracing of email origin using eMailTracePro utility 02
4 Use of Keylogger and anti-keylogger to secure your system 02
5 Encrypt and decrypt the message using Simple Transposition – Permutation( Cryptool) 04
6 Encrypt and decrypt the message using Caesar Cipher With Variable Key( Cryptool) 04
7 Encrypt and decrypt the message using 3 X 3 Hill Cipher( Cryptool) 04
8 Create Digital Signature document using ( Cryptool) 04
9 Send and receive secret message using stegnography techniques using steghide 04
10 Recover the data from formatted Pen drive and Hard Disk using Power data Recovery utility or any other utility 04

Java Programming

01 Introduction to Java Specific Objectives: ØTo understand the features, Data types, Decision making and looping, constructs of java language. 1.1 Java Features and the Java Programming Environment. Object Oriented, Compiled, Interpreted, Platform independent, Portable, Robust and Secure, Dynamic. 1.2 Java Tokens & Data types Constants & Symbolic Constants, variables, dynamic initialization, data types, array & string, scope of variable, type casting, standard default values. 1.3 Operators & Expressions Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Increment & Decrement, Conditional Operators, Bit wise Operators, Instance of Operators, Dot Operators, Operator precedence & associativity, Evaluation of Expressions, Type conversions in expressions, Mathematical Functions - min(), max(), sqrt(), pow(), exp(), round(), abs(). 1.4 Decision making & looping If statement, if else statement, nested if else statement, if else if ladder, the switch statement, nested switch statement, The ?: operator, The while statement, the Do while statement, the ‘for’ statement, break, continue & return statement, nested loops, labeled loops, for-each version of the for loop. 08 16
02 Classes, Objects & Methods Specific Objectives: ØTo create classes, objects and make use of arrays and strings. ØThey will also learn the concepts of inheritance and garbage collection. 2.1 Defining a class, creating object, accessing class members, Constructors & methods, types of constructors, nesting of methods, argument passing the ‘this’ keyword, command line arguments, varargs: variable-length arguments, garbage collection, finalize() method, the object class. 2.2 Visibility Control Public, Private, Protected, default, friendly private Protected access. 2.3 More on Arrays & Strings Types of arrays, creating an array, strings, string classes & string buffer, vectors, wrapper, classes, enumerated types. 2.4 Inheritance Types of Inheritance, single Inheritance, multilevel Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, method & constructor Overloading & overriding, dynamic method dispatch, final variables, final methods, use of super, abstract methods & classes, static members. 12 24

03 Interface and Package Specific Objectives: ØTo create and use interface and packages. ØThey will also learn the package naming, conventions and about the static import. 3.1 Interface Define Interface, implementing interface , accessing interface, variables& methods, extending interfaces, interface references, nested interfaces 3.2 Package Define package, type of package naming & creating packages, accessing package, import statement, static import, adding class & interfaces to a package. 06 12
04 Exception Handling & Multithreaded Programming Specific Objectives: ØTo handle the exceptions in programs effectively. ØThey will also learn ‘how to make their programs multithreaded’, set thread priorities, and the concept of deadlock. 4.1 Errors & Exception Types of errors, exceptions, try & catch statement, nested try statement, throws & Finally statement, build-in exceptions, chained exceptions, creating own exception, subclasses. 4.2 Multithreaded Programming Creating a Thread: By extending to thread class & by implementing runnable Interface. Life cycle of thread: Thread Methods: wait(), sleep(), notify(), resume(), suspend(), stop(). Thread exceptions, thread priority & methods, synchronization, inter-thread communication, deadlock. 08 16
05 Java Applets & Graphics Programming Specific Objectives: ØThe students will be able to write interactive applets and make use of graphics in programming. ØThey will also learn to change the background and the foreground color and to use the different fonts. 5.1 Introduction to applets Applet, Applet life cycle (skeleton), Applet tag, Adding Applet To HTML file, passing parameter to applet, embedding <applet>tags in java code, adding controls to applets. 5.2 Graphics Programming Graphics classes, lines, rectangles, ellipse, circle, arcs, polygons, color & fonts, setColor(), getColor(), setForeGround(), setBackGround(), font class, variable defined by font class: name, pointSize, size, style, font methods: getFamily(), getFont(), getFontname(), getSize(), getStyle(), getAllFonts() & getavailablefontfamilyname() of the graphics environment class. 10 20

w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE
06 File I/O & collection frame work Specific Objectives: ØThe students will be able to work with File IO and collections frame work. ØThey will also learn the concept of serialization. 6.1 File classes Stream classes, byte stream (FileInputStream&FileOutputStream), character stream (FileReader&FileWriter) serialization. 6.2 Introduction to collections frame work Array list, date class, set class, Iterator, map class. 04 12
Total 48 100

List of Practical:
1 Understand the java programming environment to learn the different available tools
2 Develop a program to display all the even numbers between 1 to 20 using for loop & if statement
3 Develop a program to create a class Student with data membersstudent_name, roll_no& branch. Initialize and display values of data members.
4 Develop a program to convert a string from lowercase to uppercase using method of String class.

Practice Exercise/ Experiments
1 Develop a program that creates a vector toinsert and display five elements of different data types.
2 Develop a program to create a class “Chocholate” having data members ‘ChocoName’& ‘ChochoQuantity’.Derive a class “ChochoFlavor” having data member ‘FlavorName’. Initialize the values for two objects of ‘ChochoFlavor’ class using constructor and display it.
3 Define a package named ‘’myPackage’’to include a class named ‘DisplayMsg’ with one method to display some message. Develop a program to import this package in a java application and call the method defined in the package.
4 Develop a program to throw a user defined exception if the given number is not positive.

Practice Exercise/ Experiments
1 Develop a program to create two threads such that one threads displays the message “How do you do?” and the other thread displays the message “Fine, Thank you!”
2 Develop a program to create an applet to display the message “Welcome to the world of Applet”.
3 Develop a program to copy the contents of the file “abc.txt” into a new file “xyz.txt”.
4 Design & Develop a mini project. (With optional activity at the end

Communication Technology

01 ANALOG COMMUNICATION Specific Objectives:-. Describe the Electronic Communication System . Identify the need for modulation, Demodulation . Compare between modulation, Demodulation . Introduction to Electronic Communication-(Block Diagram, Classification, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Concept of noise) . Analog Modulation Techniques-Need for modulation, Classification AM, FM, PM -Defination, wave forms, (time domain & Frequency Domain) Bandwidth requirement, Modulation Index. . AM,FM-Transmitter and Receiver, block diagram, Explanation and simple numerical problems. . Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Analog Communication. . Wave Propagation-Ground, Ionosphere, sky, space
10 20
02 PULSE MODULATION TECHNIQUES Specific Objectives:-. Explain digitised version of analog modulation. . Advantages of Pulse Modulation over Amplitude Modulation. . Basics of Pulse Modulation-Sampling Theorem, Nyquist Rate, Types of sampling. (Natural & Flat top) . Classification of Pulse Analog Modulation Techniques-PAM, PWM, PPM-working principle, Block diagram for generation, wave forms, Advantages, disadvantages & Applications of PAM, PWM & PPM. . Classification of Pulse Digital Modulation Techniques-PCM, DM, ADM-Working Principle, Block diagram for Generation, Waveforms-Advantages, disadvantages & applications of PCM, DM, ADM.
10 20
03 DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES Specific Objectives:-. Classfy different Digital Modulation Techniques based on convential analog modulation techniques. . Introduction to Digital Communication system-Baseband & Passband Trasmission, Block diagram of Digital Modulation System. . Classification of Digital Modulation-ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK-Working Principle-block diagram for Generation, waveform-Advantages, Disadavantages & Applications of ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK-channel capacity:-Shanon’s Theorm-Channel bandwdth.
10 22

w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 GSchemeMSBTE
Intellectual Skills:
1) Understand modulation/demodulation techniques and apply in communication systems.
2) Apply digitized version of Analog modulation, digital modulation, digital to digital
modulation and digital to analog modulation.
3) Understand the applications of communication techniques.
Motor Skills:
1) Measure different parameters on CRO.
2) Troubleshoot Circuit connected to CRO in case of fault.
3) Test and Perform analysis of Equipment used for modulation.

04 DATA ENCODING AND TRANSMISSION Specific Objectives:-. Apply digital to digital conversion techniques for information trasmission in computer Networks . Introduction to Encoding Digital Data to Digital signal. . Defination-Data Rate, Baud Rate, Bit Rate . Classification of Encoding Techniques-Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar & their types-advantages & disadvantages of Encoding Techniques-Comparision of various techniques.
06 12
05 WIRED & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Specific Objectives:-. Describe the Wired Communication Systems. . Explain the concept of Multiplexing . Apply Multiplexing in Wireless Communication. . Telephone system-Introduction & Block diagram. . Multiplexing-Need of Multiplexing-Multiplexing Techniques-FDM, TDM, WDM-Principles, Block Diagram, Applications, Advantages & Disadvantages-Multiple Access-TDMA, FDMA, CDMA-Principle, Block Diagram, Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications. . Satelite Communication Systems-Frequency band used, block Diagram, Principle & Application. . Mobile Communication systems-Frequency Band, Block diagram, Principles-Concept of Frequency reuse & Cell splitting-Call processing-Forward & Reverse Direction (Handset to Handset) & (Handset to Landline)-Concept of Handoff.
12 26
Total 48 100

Academic Year 2012-13

List of Practicals:

Generate and observe AM waveform using Collector Modulator and Calculate Modulation
index. Also observe the effect of change in modulating signal voltage on modulation index.
Generate and observe FM waveform and Calculate Modulation index and observe the effect
of change in modulating signal voltage and frequency on modulation index
Generate PAM and draw input and output waveform and measure amplitude of each pulse;
also observe the demodulated output and measure its amplitude and frequency
Generate PWM and draw input, output waveform and measure width of each pulse. Also
observe the demodulated output and measure its amplitude and frequency
Generate PPM and draw Input, Output waveforms and measure the shift in position of
pulse. Also observe the demodulated output and measure its amplitude and frequency
Generate PCM and draw Input, Output waveforms. Also observe the demodulated output
waveform of a PCM signal

Practice Exercise

Generate ASK signal and draw Input, Output waveform.
Generate FSK and draw Input, Output waveform
Generate PSK and draw Input, Output waveform
Implement the various Encoding Techniques for a specific data stream consisting of 12 bits
and draw the waveform
on any advance topic on Communication technique.
(To be conduct in PPR and valuation on CTQ)
Visit to any telecommunication station and a technical report of visit shall be submitted as a
part of term work.

(This experiment shall be performed in PPR and Valuation of the same shall be done in CTQ)
Exercise on objectives. (As an assignment)

Behavioural Science

Topic 1: Leadership 1.1 Management Education-History, Development, Importance, Areas of specialization, need and importance of behavioural science 1.2 Meaning and Types of Leaders, Qualities of leader, Examples 1.3 Leadership- Definition, importance, leadership in various organizations 1.4 Leadership styles-task -people matrix. Persuasive, Authoritative, Democratic, Delegative Leadership styles. Maturity of followers, situational leadership 02
Topic 2: Motivation 2.1 Meaning 2.2 Importance of Motivation 2.3 Types of Motivation- Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Examples 2.4 Maslow's motivation theory- pyramid of needs, individual and industrial applications 2.5 Tips for Motivation 02
Topic 3: Emotional Intelligence 3.1 Major concepts - emotion, families of emotion, components of emotional expressions 3.2 Emotional intelligence, cognitive intelligence 3.3 Basic emotional competencies 02
Topic 4: Team Building 4.1 Team- Need, Definition, Difference between group and team 4.2 Characteristics of a good team 4.3 Steps in team formation- forming, norming, storming, performing, adjourning 4.4 Roles of team members 4.5 Characteristics of a good team member 4.6 Types of teams-Work, mgmt, cross functional, quality circle, self-managed team 03
Topic 5: Conflict Resolution 5.1 Definition, types (interpersonal, intrapersonal, groups), indicators of conflicts 5.2 Sources of conflict - ego, poorly defined authority and responsibility, power, interests, greed, difference in value system, complex work situations 5.3 Skills for conflict resolution 5.4 Steps in conflict management -Mapping of conflict, negotiation- steps in negotiation, 5.5 Styles of conflict management- collaborating, competing, cooperating, avoiding, compromising 03
Topic 6: Decision Making 6.1 Importance of decision making 6.2 Definition Characteristics of good decision 6.3 Characteristics of good decision 02

6.4 Types of decisions- programmed, non programmed, strategic, tactical, impulsive 6.5 Group decision making 6.6 Steps of decision making
Topic 7: Interview Techniques 7.1 Job search opportunities 7.2 Development of résumé´ and cover letter- essentials of a good résumé´, contents of Résumé´, layout of résumé´, cover letter 7.3 Group discussion- objectives, do's and don'ts for effective participation, evaluation parameters, suggested topics 7.4 Psychometric tests- Aptitude test, guidelines for preparations for aptitude test, Personality test 7.5 Personal interview-guidelines for preparing for job interviews, common questions 02
Total 16

List of Assignments: Learning Resources: Books:
01 Case study: Employee motivation and leadership.
02 To build a tower from a given material as a team activity
03 To prepare Jigsaw puzzles (common shapes) from the given jigsaw pieces as a team.
04 Case study on conflict Resolution
05 Assess your style of conflict resolution
06 Decision making activity: of Selection of the best suitable company.
07 Participate in a guided group discussion
08 Assessment of self-aptitude in numerical computation, estimation, data interpretation, mechanical, spatial and abstract reasoning
09 Assessment of self-aptitude in Verbal ability and data checking.
10 Development of résumé´ and covering letter

Network Management and Administration

Concepts Of Networking 1.1 Network configuration- Peer-to-Peer Network, Server based Network -Network Topologies & Types. -Basic Network Media. 1.2 Planning & Installing Network Hardware -Types of Server- File, Print, Mail, Web & Database Servers. -Installing a NIC, Twisted Pair Cable, fiber optic Cable, Switches etc.

Windows Server 2008 2.1 Installing & Configuring Windows Server -CheckingSystem Requirements. -Choosing a File System. -Planning Partitions. -Deciding TCP/IP Configuration. -Choosing Workgroups or domains. 2.2 Dealing with Directory Services -Define directory services, (NDS), Windows NT Domains, Microsoft Active Directory Service (ADS), X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP), and LDAP. -Understanding ADS Structure, Objects, Domains, Organizational Units (OU), Trees, Forests.

Managing User Accounts & Resource Services Managing user accounts, shared folders and network printers. 3.1 Understanding user accounts - Creating a new user. - Setting user properties. - Deleting or disabling user accounts. - Working with groups:- Group types, Group Scope, Creating a Group & adding member to a Group. -Understanding Group Policies. 3.2 Managing Resource Services 3.2.1 Managing File Server: - Understanding permissions, sharing files & folders, configuring File Server. 3.2.2 Managing Print server: - Network Printing Process. - Managing Shared Printer. -Adjustment Print Server settings.

Configuring Dhcp And Dns Ø 4.1 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) -Understanding DHCP- IP Address Assignment, DHCP Architecture. -Working with DHCP Server – Installing, configuring and managing DHCP Server. 4.2 DNS (Domain Name System) – Understanding DNS Names- Domain, domain-naming, top level domains, sub-domains, Name Resolution. -Managing DNS server and DNS Clients

Network Administration And Security Ø 5.1 Role of Network Administrator. 5.2 Use of Software tools for monitoring & administration of Network. 5.3 Securing user accounts. 5.4 Securing the Network using Firewall, Disabling unnecessary Services. 5.5 Role of SNMP in Network Management. 5.6 Working with Windows-2008 backup software.

Name of Practical
Understand the networking in the laboratory and determination of various networking hardware and software components with their technical specification.
Install and Configure Network Interface card and configure TCP/IP in the laboratory.
Install Windows server 2008
Set up Domain Name System (DNS) Server and Install Active Directory Server on windows server 2008.
Creating and Managing user accounts in windows server 2008
Create folders and manage folders in windows server 2008
Configure and manage Print Services
Install and configure DHCP Server
Tuning and monitoring network system
Working with Windows Server 2008 Back up utilities and services.
Study of wireless network
Study of Cloud Computing as Network Infrastructure Component

Professional Practices-III

01 Industry Visit : (At least One) Industry visit should be arranged and each student should submit the technical report individually as a part of term work. Visits can be arranged in any industry which focuses on computer automation, data processing, computer network and computer control machine.
02 Guest Lectures : (Any Two) Guest lectures by industry experts, other professional are to be arranged from the following topics or any other suitable technical area. The brief report is to be submitted by individual student as part of term work. a. 3 – D animation techniques. b. Stress management. c. IT Act 2008. d. Linux installation & administration. e. Resume writing & preparation of C.V. f. Introduction of “Python” programming language. g. Career opportunities in IT industry. h. Plastic Memory i. Psychological Personality Development. j. Managing emotional quotient k. Internet Marketing.
03 Information Search: (Any Two) Form a group of 2 students. Information should be collected from various resources like Internet, books, journals etc.on the following allocated topics or any other suitable topic suggested by teacher. Prepare Individual technical report on selected topics of 8-10 pages & deliver seminar on at least one topic. a. Android O.S. of mobile systems. b. Autonomic computing to manage complexity of network components. c. Cloud computing – application (any one). d. Biometrics – in secure E-transactions. e. Pervasive Computing f. E – MINE: A novel web mining approach g. 4 G wireless systems h. Jini – advanced set of network protocols i. Parasitic Computing j. E – wallet k. Nano – technology and applications l. DNA computing m. Artificial neural networks & their applications.
04 Group Discussion : (Any One) Form a group of 5 students and write a brief report on selected topic as a part of term work. Some of the suggested topics:¬a. Role of UN in peace keeping b. Effect of cinema on youth c. Government contribution to IT d. Balance between professionalism & family e. Position of women India compare to other nations

w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 GScheme
f. Present state of Indian Cricket Team
g. Is globalization really necessary?
h. Is India growing spiritually?
i. Any other suitable topic.
05 Prepare Yourself : (Any Two) Preparation towards Interview. Write a brief report on selected topic as a part of term work. a. Mock Interview b. Mock aptitude test & puzzle solving.(Attach answer paper) c. CV Preparation.(Attach CV).
06 Form a group of 4 students Seminar should be on Final year Industrial Project synopsis & week wise plan for completion of project. Each student shall submit a report of at least 10 pages and deliver a seminar.

First Semester Information Technology Syllabus MSBTE

Second Semester Information Technology Syllabus MSBTE

Third Semester Information Technology Syllabus MSBTE

Fourth Semester Information Technology Syllabus MSBTE

Fifth Semester Syllabus Information Technology MSBTE

Sixth Semester Syllabus Information Technology MSBTE

BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic Others,

Basic Programming

C / C++ ,


Software Testing,

Hardware & Networking

CCNA, MCSE, Hardware, Networking

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