MCM -Master of Computer Management Part 1 Computer Programming in C
University Syllabus Course MCM Part 1 Programming in CAtlanta Computer Institute Nagpur Conducts MCM Tuition Classes for MCM Part 1 ( First Year ) and MCM Part 2 ( Second Year ). Projects are also provided with guidance.
MCM Part 1
Introduction to C, C-character set and keyboard constants and variables, data types.
Operation a nd expressions- arithmetic, relational, logical assignment, input and output statement in c
Control statement
If-else, go-to, while, do-while and for loop statements, switch and use of Break and continue statements.
Arrays: Declaration, Referring individual elements, entering data in to an array, Reading data from array, Array initialization printing of array, searching sorting and merging of array, string manipulation
Storage class : automatic, static, external.
Function : arithmetic and string Library function, user defined functions, arguments and local variables, returning function result, use of void, functions without value and reference and function without value and reference and functionwith call by value and call by reference recursion.
Pointer : Introduction to pointer and function, pointer and structure pointer and Array, call by value and call by reference, pointer and string.
Dynamic memory allocation : sizeof(), malloc()
Structure, Declaration structure, initializing structure, structure variables, accessing structure elements, arrays of structure, structures containing arrays.
Unions : concept and applications
Files: Concept of file, modes of files, open and close creation and reading of files, character input output, getchar, putchare, getch putch, string input and output: sscan sprint, gets, puts, fi8le input/ output : fprintf, facanf, getc, putc, Blook read, Block read/ write: fread, fwrite.
File inclusion and command line argument.
MCM Part 1 ( First Year )
Paper - 1 Information Technology
Paper - 2 Introduction to Commercial Practice
Paper - 3 Introduction to Operating Systems
BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic Others,