MCM Semester 4 Python University Syllabus Course and Classes For MCM Python Semester 4

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for MCM First Year ( Part 1 ) ,MCM Second Year ( Part 2 ) for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCm Students.

Paper - II: Elective

Elective - III: Python

The Way of the Program - The Python Programming Language, What Is a Program?, What Is Debugging?, Syntax Errors, Runtime Errors, Semantic Errors, Experimental Debugging, Formal and Natural Languages, The First Program. Variables,
Expressions, and Statements - Values and Types, Variables, Variable Names and Keywords, Operators and Operands, Expressions and Statements, Interactive Mode and Script Mode, Order of Operations, String Operations, Comments. Functions - Function Calls, Type Conversion Functions, Math Functions, Composition, Adding New Functions, Definitions and Uses, Flow of Execution, Parameters and Arguments, Variables and Parameters Are Local, Stack Diagrams, Fruitful Functions and Void Functions, Why Functions?, Importing with from.

Conditionals and Recursion - Modulus Operator, Boolean Expressions, Logical Operators, Conditional Execution, Alternative Execution, Chained Conditionals, Nested Conditionals, Recursion, Stack Diagrams for Recursive Functions, Infinite Recursion, Keyboard Input. Fruitful Functions - Return Values, Incremental Development, Composition, Boolean Functions, More Recursion, Leap of Faith, One More Example, Checking Types. Iteration - Multiple Assignment, Updating Variables, The while Statement, break, Square Roots, Algorithms, Debugging. Strings - A String Is a Sequence, len, Traversal with a for Loop, String Slices, Strings Are Immutable,
Searching, Looping and Counting, String Methods, The in Operator, String Comparison.

Lists - A List Is a Sequence, Lists Are Mutable, Traversing a List, List Operations, List Slices, List Methods, Map, Filter, and Reduce, Deleting Elements, Lists and Strings, Objects and Values, Aliasing, List Arguments. Dictionaries - Dictionary as a Set of Counters, Looping and Dictionaries, Reverse Lookup, Dictionaries and Lists, Memos, Global Variables, Long Integers. Tuples - Tuples Are Immutable, Tuple Assignment, Tuples as Return Values, Variable-Length Argument Tuples, Lists and Tuples, Dictionaries and Tuples, Comparing Tuples, Sequences of Sequences.

Files - Persistence, Reading and Writing, Format Operator, Filenames and Paths, Catching Exceptions, Databases, Pickling, Pipes, Writing Modules. Classes and Objects - User-Defined Types, Attributes, Rectangles, Instances as Return Values, Objects Are Mutable, Copying. Classes and Functions - Time, Pure Functions, Modifiers, Prototyping Versus Planning. Classes and Methods - Object-Oriented Features, Printing Objects, Another Example, A More Complicated Example, The init Method, The __str__ Method, Operator Overloading, Type-Based Dispatch, Polymorphism, Debugging, Interface and Implementation. Inheritance - Card Objects, Class Attributes, Comparing Cards, Decks, Printing the Deck, Add, Remove, Shuffle, and Sort, Inheritance, Class Diagrams, Debugging, Data Encapsulation.

MCM Syllabus RTMNU
Text Book:
1. Allen B. Downey, Think Python, Shroff Publishers, O‘Reilly.

Reference Books:
1. Charles Dierbach, Introduction to Computer Science using Python, Wiley.
2. Laura Cassell & Alan Gauld, Python Projects, Wrox A Wiley Brand.
3. Paul Greis, Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo, Practical Programming - An
Introduction to Computer Science using Python, Shroff Publishers.

Practical List of Python
1. Write a Python program to convert the given temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa depending upon users choice.
2. Write a Python program that allows the user to enter any integer base and integer exponent, and displays the value of the base raised to that exponent.
3. Write a Python program that prompts the user for a certain number of cities for the Travelling salesman Problem, and displays the total number of possible routes that can be taken.
4. Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter an upper or lower case letter and displays the corresponding Unicode encoding.
5. Write a Python program to calculate total marks, percentage and grade of a student. Marks obtained in each of the three subjects are to be input by the user. Assign grades according to the following criteria: Grade A: Percentage >=80 Grade B: Percentage>=70 and <80 Grade C: Percentage>=60 and <70 Grade D: Percentage>=40 and <60 Grade E: Percentage<40
6. Write a Python program to find the area of rectangle, square, circle and triangle by accepting suitable input parameters from user using user-defined function. 7. Write a Python program find factorial of the given number.
8. Write a Python program to find sum of the following series for n terms: 1 - 2/2! + 3/3! - - - - - n/n!
9. Write a Python program to calculate the sum and product of two compatible matrices.
10. Write a Python program to calculate the transpose of a matrix.
11. Write a Python program to determine how many times a given letter occurs in a provided string using recursion.
12. Write a Python program to calculate Fibonacci series using recursion. Visual Python
13. Write a Python program to create mathematical 3D objects -
I. curve
II. sphere
III. cone
IV. arrow
V. ring
VI. cylinder.
14. Write a Python program to read n integers and display them as a histogram.
15. Write a Python program to display sine, cosine, polynomial and exponential curves.
16. Write a Python program to plot a graph of people with pulse rate p vs. height h. The
values of p and h are to be entered by the user.

MCM Syllabus RTMNU
17. Write a Python program to calculate the mass m in a chemical reaction. The mass m (in gms) disintegrates according to the formula m=60/(t+2), where t is the time in hours. Sketch a graph for t vs. m, where t>=0.
18. A population of 1000 bacteria is introduced into a nutrient medium. The population p grows as follows:
P(t) = (15000(1+t))/(15+ e)
where the time t is measured in hours. Write a Python program to determine the size of the population at given time t and plot a graph for P vs t for the specified time interval.
19. Input initial velocity and acceleration, and plot the following graphs depicting equations of motion:
I. velocity wrt time (v=u+at)
II. distance wrt time ( s=u*t+0.5*a*t*t)
III. distance wrt velocity ( s=(v*v-u*u)/2*a )
20. Write a Python program show a ball bouncing between 2 walls.

New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17

MCM Semester 1


1. Fundamental of Information Technology

2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept

3. Introduction to Operating Systems

4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9 )


1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems

2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office

MCM Semester 2


1. Management Information Systems

2. Core Java

3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research

4. E-Commerce and Web Designing


1. Practical-I : Core Java

2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript


MCM Semester 3

(A) Theory

1. Advanced Database Management System

2. Principles & Techniques of Management

3. Electives

( i ) PHP & My-SQL

( ii ) VB.Net

( iii ) C#.Net

4. Research Methodology

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL

2. Practical-II : Electives

MCM Semester 4

(A) Theory

1. ASP.Net

2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java

(ii) Android Programming

(iii) Python

3. Electives : ( i ) Big Data & Hadoop

( ii ) Software Engineering

( iii )Strategic Management

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : ASP.Net

2. Practical-II : Electives

(C) Project


BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic B.Arch Bachelor Of Architecture, Others,

Basic Programming

C / C++ ,


Software Testing,

Hardware & Networking

CCNA, MCSE, Hardware, Networking

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