MCM Semester 3 PHP My-Sql - University Syllabus Course and Classes Tuitions For MCM PHP MySql Semester 3


Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for MCM First Year ( Part 1 ) ,MCM Second Year ( Part 2 ) for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCM Students.

Paper - III: Elective

Elective - I: PHP & My-SQL :


Introducing PHP- Why PHP and MySQL?, What Is PHP?, What Is MySQL?. Server-
Side Scripting Overview- Static HTML,Client-Side Technologies, What Is Server-Side
Scripting Good For? Learning PHP Syntax and Variables - PHP Is Forgiving, HTML Is
Not PHP, PHP‘s Syntax Is C-Like, Comments, Variables, Types in PHP: Don‘t Worry, Be
Happy, Type Summary, The Simple Types, Output. Learning PHP Control Structures
and Functions- Boolean Expressions, Branching, Looping, Alternate Control Syntaxes,
Terminating Execution, Using Functions, Function Documentation, Defining Your Own
Functions, Functions and Variable Scope, Function Scope. Passing Information with
PHP - HTTP Is Stateless, GET Arguments, A Better Use for GET-Style URLs, POST
Arguments, Formatting Form Variables, PHP Superglobal Arrays. Learning PHP String
Handling - Strings in PHP, String Functions. Learning Arrays - The Uses of Arrays,
What Are PHP Arrays?, Creating Arrays, Retrieving Values, Multidimensional Arrays,
Inspecting Arrays, Deleting from Arrays, Iteration. Learning PHP Number Handling-
Numerical Types, Mathematical Operators, Simple Mathematical Functions,
Randomness. PHP Gotchas- Installation-Related Problems, Rendering Problems,
Failures to Load Page, Parse Errors, Missing Includes, Unbound Variables, Function
Problems, Math Problems.


Introducing Databases and MySQL- What Is a Database?, Why a Database?, PHP-
Supported Databases. Installing MySQL- Obtaining MySQL, Installing MySQL on Linux,
Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows. Learning Structured Query Language (SQL)-
Relational Databases and SQL, SQL Standards, The Workhorses of SQL, Database
Design, Privileges and Security. Learning Database Administration and Design -
Basic MySQL Client Commands, MySQL User Administration, Backups, Replication,
Recovery. Integrating PHP and MySQL- Connecting to MySQL, Making MySQL
Queries, Fetching Data Sets, Getting Data about Data, Multiple Connections, Building in
Error Checking, Creating MySQL Databases with PHP, MySQL Functions. Performing
Database Queries - HTML Tables and Database Tables, Complex Mappings, Creating
the Sample Tables. Integrating Web Forms and Databases- HTML Forms, Basic Form
Submission to a Database, Self-Submission, Editing Data with an HTML Form.
Improving Database Efficiency- Connections — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Indexing
and Table Design, Making the Database Work for You. MySQL Gotchas- No
Connection, Problems with Privileges, Unescaped Quotes, Broken SQL Statements, Too
Little Data, Too Much Data, Specific SQL Functions, Debugging and Sanity Checking.


Introducing Object-Oriented PHP - What Is Object-Oriented Programming?, Basic
PHP Constructs for OOP, Advanced OOP Features, Introspection Functions, Extended
Example: HTML Forms, Gotchas and Troubleshooting, OOP Style in PHP. Advanced
Array Functions - Transformations of Arrays, Stacks and Queues, Translating between
Variables and Arrays, Sorting, Printing Functions for Visualizing Arrays. Examining 


Regular Expressions - Tokenizing and Parsing Functions, Why Regular Expressions?,
Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions, Example: A simple link-scraper, Advanced String
Functions. Working with the File system - Understanding PHP File Permissions, File
Reading and Writing Functions, Filesystem and Directory Functions, Network Functions,
Date and Time Functions, Calendar Conversion Functions. Working with Cookies and
Sessions- What‘s a Session?, Home-grown Alternatives, How Sessions Work in PHP,
Sample Session Code, Session Functions, Configuration Issues, Cookies, Sending
HTTP Headers, Gotchas and Troubleshooting. Handing Exceptions with PHP - Error
Handling in PHP, Other Methods of Error Handling, Logging and Debugging. Debugging
PHP Programs - General Troubleshooting Strategies, A Menagerie of Bugs, Using Web
Server Logs, PHP Error Reporting and Logging, Error-Reporting Functions. Learning
PHP Style- The Uses of Style, Readability, Maintainability, Robustness, Efficiency and
Conciseness, HTML Mode or PHP Mode?, Separating Code from Design.


Sending E-Mail with PHP- Sending E-Mail with PHP, Sending Mail from a Form,
Integrating PHP and Java- PHP for Java programmers, Integrating PHP and Java.
Integrating PHP and JavaScript- Outputting JavaScript with PHP, PHP as a Backup for
JavaScript, Static versus Dynamic JavaScript. Integrating PHP and XML- What Is
XML?, Working with XML, Documents and DTDs, SAX versus DOM, DOM, SAX,
SimpleXML API, A Sample XML Application, Gotchas and Troubleshooting. Creating
and Consuming Web Services with PHP- The End of Programming as We Know It,
REST, XML-RPC, SOAP, .NET, Current Issues with Web Services, Project: A REST
Client. Creating Graphics with PHP- Your Options, HTML Graphics, Creating images
using gd, Gotchas and Troubleshooting.


Text Book:

1. Steve Suehring, Tim Converse & Joyce Park, PHP and MySQL, Wiely.

Reference Books:

1. Joel Murach & Ray Harris, murach‘s PHP and MySQL, Shroff Publishers.

2. Timothy Boronczyk, Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le Scouarnec,
Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass, Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web
Development, Wiley.

3. Jason Gilmore, Beginning PHP and MySQL.

4. Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 days - Techmedia. Practical List of PHP & My-SQL


31. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to get the PHP version
and configuration information.

32. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to print the Fibonacci
series up to the entered range.

33. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to change the color of
first character of a word.

34. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to test whether a number
is greater than 30, 20 or 10 using ternary operator.

35. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to calculate the factorial
of a number (non-negative integer) using function.

36. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to insert a new item in an
array on any position.

37. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to sort an array of
positive integers using the Sort function asort() and ksort().

38. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to

a) Transform a string all uppercase letters.

b) Transform a string all lowercase letters.

c) Make a string's first character uppercase.

d) Make a string's first character of all the words uppercase.

39. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to display all the
numbers between 200 and 250 that are divisible by 4

40. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP class which displays an
introductory message like "Hello All,Good Morning ", where "Morning" is
an argument value of the method within the class.

41. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP Calculator class which will
accept two values as arguments, then add them, subtract them, multiply them
together, or divide them on request.

42. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to convert a date from
yyyy - mm - dd to dd - mm - yyyy.

43. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to remove the
whitespaces from a string.

44. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP function that checks if a string is
all lower case.

45. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to check whether a entered
string is palindrome or not

46. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to print Fibonacci series
using recursion.

47. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script using switch case and
dropdown list display a - Hello‖ message depending on the language
selected in drop down list.

48. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to replace the first 'the' of
the following string with 'That' -

Sample: 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'

Expected Result: That quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

49. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to check that email id is
valid or not.

50. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to create a simple
'birthday countdown' script, the script will count the number of days between current

day and birth day.

51. Write a SQL statement to create simple table countries including columns country_id,
country_name and region_id.


52. Write a SQL statement to create table countries including columns country_id,
country_name and region_id and make sure that the column country_id will
be unique and store an auto incremented value.

53. Write a SQL statement to create a table named countries including columns
country_id, country_name and region_id and make sure that no countries except
Italy, India and China will be entered in the table.

54. Write a SQL statement to insert a record with your own value into the table countries
against each columns region_id.

55. Write a SQL statement to rename the table countries to country_new.

56. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to which will receive the
data captured by the HTML form, display the name of the form and also display the
message Data Entered Successfully on the HTML form page after performing the validations.

57. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to creating, retrieving
and deleting data from the cookie using POST Method.

58. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to create, retrieve and
deleting the session data.

59. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to navigate the HTML
Page with the use of JavaScript and PHP.

60. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to create login form with
the fields‘ username and password with validation.

61. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to send e-mail from a

62. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to demonstrate the use
of REST.

63. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to demonstrate the use
of SOAP.

64. Create a table in MySQL named Programmer having the fields‘ id, sex, age,
Language, OS, and Country with constraint, insert up to 20 values and write a PHP

Script to generate a Bar Graph according to specific column the user selected.

65. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and Write a PHP script to create a registration
form having two buttons Submit and Reset with validations. The form data

should be submitted in MySQL databasewith coding to integrate the MySQL with PH


New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17

MCM Semester 1


1. Fundamental of Information Technology

2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept

3. Introduction to Operating Systems

4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9 )


1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems

2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office

MCM Semester 2


1. Management Information Systems

2. Core Java

3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research

4. E-Commerce and Web Designing


1. Practical-I : Core Java

2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript


MCM Semester 3

(A) Theory

1. Advanced Database Management System

2. Principles & Techniques of Management

3. Electives

( i ) PHP & My-SQL

( ii ) VB.Net

( iii ) C#.Net

4. Research Methodology

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL

2. Practical-II : Electives

MCM Semester 4

(A) Theory

1. ASP.Net

2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java

(ii) Android Programming

(iii) Python

3. Electives : ( i ) Big Data & Hadoop

( ii ) Software Engineering

( iii )Strategic Management

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : ASP.Net

2. Practical-II : Electives

(C) Project


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