Software Engineering MCM Semester 4
Software Engineering MCM Semester 4 Nagpur University Syllabus Course and ClassesAtlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes fo rMCM First Year ( Part 1 ) , MCM Second Year ( Part 2 ) or all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCM Students.
Paper - III: Elective Foundation
�Elective Foundation - II: Software Engineering
Introduction- The software engineering discipline evolution and impact, Programs Vs. software product, Why study software engineering?, Emergence of software engineering, Notable changes in software development practices, Computer systems engineering. Software Life Cycle- Why use a life cycle model?, Classical waterfall model, Interactive waterfall model, Prototyping model, Evolutionary model, Spiral model, Comparison of different life cycle models. Software Product Management- Responsibilities of a software project manager, Project planning, Matrices for project size estimation, Project estimation techniques, Empirical project techniques, COCOMO- A heuristic estimation technique, Halstead‘s software science- An analytical technique, Staffing level estimation, Scheduling, Organization and team structures, Staffing, Risk management, Software configuration management, Miscellaneous plans.
Requirement Analysis and Specifications - Requirement gathering and specifications, Software requirement specification, Formal system development techniques, Axiomatic specification, Algebraic specification, Executable specification and 4GLs. Software Design- What is a software design?, Cohesion and coupling, Neat arrangement, Software design approaches, Object oriented Vs. function oriented design. Function Oriented Software Design- Overview of SA/SD methodology, Structured analysis, Data flow diagrams (DFDs), Extending DFD techniques to real-time systems, Structured design, Detailed design, Design review.
UNIT - III br /> Object Modeling Using UML - Overview of object oriented concept, Unified modeling language (UML), UML diagrams, Use case models, Class diagrams, Interaction diagrams, Activity diagrams, State chart diagrams. Object Oriented Software Development- Design pattern, A generalized object oriented analysis and design process, Odd goodness criteria.
CComputer Aided Software Engineering- Case and its scope, Case environment, Case support in software life cycle, Other characteristics of case tools, Towards second generation case tools, Architecture of a case environment. Software MaintenanceCharacteristics of software maintenance, Software reverse engineering, Software maintenance process model, Estimation of maintenance cost. Software Reuse- What can be reused?, Why almost no reuse so far?, Basic issue in any reuse program, A reuse approach, Reuse at organization level.
Text Book: br /> 1. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI.
Reference Books:
1. Rajesh Narang, Software Engineering Principles & Practices, McGraw-Hill.
2. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering - A Practitioner Approach, McGraw-Hill.
3. Dr. Sajan Mathew, Software Engineering, S. Chand.
4. S. Thangasamy, Essentials of Software Engineering, Wiley-India.
5. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering - A Precise approach, Wiley.
New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17
1. Fundamental of Information Technology
2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept
3. Introduction to Operating Systems
4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9 )
1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems
2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office
MCM Semester 2
1. Management Information Systems
2. Core Java
3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research
4. E-Commerce and Web Designing
1. Practical-I : Core Java
2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript
MCM Semester 3
(A) Theory
1. Advanced Database Management System
2. Principles & Techniques of Management
3. Electives
( i ) PHP & My-SQL
( ii ) VB.Net
( iii ) C#.Net
4. Research Methodology
(B) Practical
1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL
2. Practical-II : Electives
MCM Semester 4
(A) Theory
1. ASP.Net
2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java
(ii) Android Programming
(iii) Python
3. Electives : ( i ) Big Data & Hadoop
( ii ) Software Engineering
( iii )Strategic Management
(B) Practical
1. Practical-I : ASP.Net
2. Practical-II : Electives
(C) Project
BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic B.Arch Bachelor Of Architecture, Others,