MCM VB.NET Semester 3 MCM VB.Net Classes in Nagpur - Semester 3

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for MCM First Year ( Part 1 ) , MCM Second Year ( Part 2 ) for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCM Students.

Paper - III: Elective

Elective - II: VB. Net

Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework: The Common Language Runtime, Undestanding Assemblies, The .NET Security Model. The Visual Basic .NET Devlopment Environment: Working with the Visual Studio IDE, Creating a Visual Basic .NET Solution. The Elements of Visual Basic .NET: Visual Baisc .NET: The Foundation, Getting Started, Classes, Types, and Objects. Visual Basic .NET Operators. Software Design, Conditional Structures, and Control Flow: Control Flow, Conditional Statements, Loops, Pausing , Resuming, and Exiting Iteration.

Methods: What is Method, Method Data, Method Access Characteristics, Properties, Introduction to Exception Handling, Design and Construction of Method. Classes: Class characteristics, Inheritance. Exception Handling and Classes: Structured Exception Handling, Exception Statements, Creating your own Exception Class. Collections, Arrays, and Other Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Jagged Arrays, Programming against Arrays, Array Exceptions.

Advanced Interface Patterns:Adapter, Delegates, and Events : Adapters and Wrappers, Delegates, sorting Data with Delegates, Mulicast Delegates. Data Processing and I/O : Data Processing, Working with Strings, Members of the String Class, Classic Visual Basic String Functions, String Formatting, Building Strings with String builder. Files and Directories, Streams.

Interfacing with the End User: Windows Form, Introduction to Threading, MDI Application, Components and Controls, Menus and Toolbars, Response to User Input, Collecting User Input, Presentation and Informational Controls, Drag and Drop. Getting Ready to Release: The System.Diagnostics Namespace, Enabling Debugging, Runtime Configuration Files, Working with the Debug Class, Tracing and Trace Class, Debugging with Visual Studio .NET, The Visual Studio .NET Compiler.

Text Book:
1. Jeffry R. Shapiro, The Complete Reference, Visual Basic .NET McGraw- Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Thearon Willis, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair, Beginning CB.Net 2003,
Dreamtech Press, Wiley.
2. Francesco Balena, Programming Microsoft Visual, Microsoft Press.
3. Jeffrey Kent, Visual basic.Net - A Beginner‘s Guide, McGraw- Hill.

MCM Syllabus RTMNU

Practical List of VB. Net

1. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to calculate the sum of all digits of a number.
2. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to implement the sine series.
3. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to remove all duplicate elements from an array.
4. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to create all possible sets from given set {1, 2, 3 }.
5. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to display the following pattern -
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * *
6. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to check a number is Armstrong or not.
7. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to calculate the decimal number from binary number.
8. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to calculate the first 50 prime and unprimed numbers.
9. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to calculate the reverse of a string and check the string is palindrome or not.
10. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to Search an element from characters and as well as from numbers using binary search method.
11. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to sort a given string in the order of alphabets, digits & symbol.
12. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to input array element, sorting them and remove duplicate element.
13. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to create jagged array and arrange data in ascending order.
14. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to calculate day of the week from a date without using any in build function.
15. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET console application to demonstrate exception handling.
16. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to check the user id and password is valid or not.
17. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create a scientific calculator.
18. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create text editor.
19. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to generate stopwatch.
20. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create a start menu using status bar.
21. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to load the images & run Executable files using the file control.
22. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create trial version DLL.

MCM Syllabus RTMNU
23. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create a menu and perform any operation.
24. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create MDI and arrange all forms as tiles and cascade form.
25. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create popup menu.
26. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create your own delegates.
27. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create data bound control for retrieving the data from database.
28. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create crystal report.
29. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to create different dialog box and perform any operation.
30. Write an algorithm, draw a flowchart and develop a VB.NET windows application to enter an e-mail ID into a textbox and check the e-mail ID is valid or not.

New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17

MCM Semester 1


1. Fundamental of Information Technology

2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept

3. Introduction to Operating Systems

4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9)


1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems

2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office

MCM Semester 2


1. Management Information Systems

2. Core Java

3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research

4. E-Commerce and Web Designing


1. Practical-I : Core Java

2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript


MCM Semester 3

(A) Theory

1. Advanced Database Management System

2. Principles & Techniques of Management

3. Electives

( i ) PHP & My-SQL

( ii ) VB.Net

( iii ) C#.Net

4. Research Methodology

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL

2. Practical-II : Electives

MCM Semester 4

(A) Theory

1. ASP.Net

2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java

(ii) Android Programming

(iii) Python

3.Electives :( i ) Big Data & Hadoop

( ii ) Software Engineering

( iii )Strategic Management

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : ASP.Net

2. Practical-II : Electives

(C) Project

BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic B.Arch Bachelor Of Architecture, Others,

Basic Programming

C / C++ ,


Software Testing,

Hardware & Networking

CCNA, MCSE, Hardware, Networking

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