MCM Master of Computer Management 3nd Sem MCM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Classes Nagpur University

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for MCM Third Semester for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCM Students.


Semester 3


Semester - III

Paper - I: Advance Database Management Systems


Introduction to Database Management System(DBMS) - Introduction, Why a Database, Characteristic of Data in a Database, Database Management System, Why DBMS, Types of Database Management System, Object-Oriented Model, Object-Relational Model, Deductive/Inference Model, Compression Between the various Database Model. Introduction to Relational Database Management
System(RDBMS)- Introduction , RDBMS Terminologies, The Relational Data Structure, Relational Data Integrity, Relational Data Manipulations, Codd‘s Rule. Database
Architecture and Data Modeling - Introduction, Conceptual, Physical and Logical Database Model, External or Logical Level. Entity-Relationship Modeling- Introduction, E-R Model, Components of an E-R Model, E-R Modeling Symbols. Data Normalization-Introduction, First Normal Form(1NF), Second Normal Form(2NF), Third Normal Form(3NF), Boyce-Codd Normal Form(BCNF), Fourth Normal Form(4NF), Fifth Normal Form(1NF), Domain-Key Normal Form(DKNF), Renormalizations. Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus- Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus.


Introduction to Structured Query Language(SQL) - Introduction, History of SQL, Characteristic SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL in Action, SQL Data Types and Literals, Types of SQL Commands, SQL Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Compression Operators, Logical Operators, Set Operators, Operators Precedence. Tables, View and Index - Tables, View , Index. Nulls - Introduction, Nulls in Action, When not to Use
Nulls, Effect of Nulls, Null Indicators, Null and Compression Operator, Testing of Nulls, Tests of true, False and Unknown, BETWEEN, LIKE and IN Condition, ALL and ANY
Condition, EXITS Condition, ORDERED BY Clause. Query And Subqueries - Query , Subqueries. Aggregate Function - Introduction, General Rule, COUNT() and
COUNT(*), SUM(), AVG(), MAX() and MIN(). Insert, Update and Delete Operation -Introduction, Insert Statement, Bulk Insert of Data, Update Statement, Delete Statement Cursors - Introduction, Cursor Operation, Cursor Positions, Cursor Coding Guideline.
Join And Union - Join , Union.


Programming with SQL- Introduction, Query Processing, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL. Query-By-Example(QBL) - Introduction, Select Query in QBE, Make-Table
Query, DELETE Query, UPDATE Query, APPEND Query, QBE and SQL. QUEL-Introduction, Data Definition in QUEL, Data Retrieval in QUEL, Data UPDATE Operation
in QUEL. Triggers - Introduction, What is Trigger?, Types of Triggers, Triggers Syntax,

Combining Triggers Types, Setting Inserted Value, Disabling and Enabling Triggers, Replacing Triggers, Dropping Triggers, Advantages and Limitations of Triggers. Introduction- PL/SQL Blocks, PL/SQL Architecture, SQL Support, PL/SQL Variables,
PL/SQL Data Types, PL/SQL Precompilers, Conditional And Sequential Control Statements, Control Statements, Cursors, Iterative Control Statements, PL/SQL Exceptions, PL/SQL Blocks, PL/SQL Triggers, Types Of Triggers, Procedures And Packages.


Data Ware House and Data Marts - Introduction, Data in the Data Ware House, Data Ware House, Design Issues, OLTP vs. Data Ware House, Configuration of Data Ware House Process, Data Ware House Components, Structure of Data Ware House, Data Ware House Life Cycle, Data Ware House Environment, Data Architecture Data Ware House Operation, How much Data?, Data Integration and Transformation Process. Data Mining - Introduction, What is Data Mining?, Evaluation of Data Mining, Data Mining Verification vs. Discovery, Tasks Solve by Data Mining, Advantages of Data Mining. On-Line Transaction Processing(OLTP) - Introduction, Designing Criteria OLTP Features, Practical Application of OLTP, Future trends in OLTP. On-Line Analytical Processing(OLAP) - Introduction, OPAP and OPAP, OLAP and Data Ware Housing, Use of OLAP, Benefits of OLAP, Evaluation of OLAP, OLAP Concept and
Characteristic, Cood‘s OPLAP Product Evaluation Rules, Different Style of OLAP.

Text Book:

1. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon, Database Management System, Leaon Vikas.

Reference Books:

1. Rini Chakrabarti, Shilbhadra Dasgupta & Subhash K. Shinde, Advance Database Management System, Dreamtech Press.

2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill.

3. G. K. Gupta, Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill.

4. Dr. P. S. Deshpande, SQL & PL/SQL for Oracle 11g, Dreamtech Press.

5. Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL, BPB Publications.

Paper - II:

Principles & Techniques of Management

Concepts And Nature of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Management Process, Social Responsibilities of A Business, Coordination,

Nature and Process Of Planning, Methods And Types Of Plans, Forecasting And Decision Making, Management Information System, Organizing Functions.

Departmentation And Organization Structure, Nature And Scope Of Staffing, Training And Development, Performance Appraisal And Problem.

Direction and Supervision, SUPERVISION, Motivation and Moral, MOTIVATION, MORAL, Leadership, Communication, Techniques of managerial control.

Text Book:
1. R.S.N. Pillai & S. Kala, Principles & Practice of Management, S. Chand.
Reference Books:
1. Chandra Bose, Principles of Management & Administration, PHI.
2. P C Tripathy & P N Reddy, Principles of Management, McGraw-Hill.
3. V.P. Michel, Principles of Management.
4. Mohan, Developing of Communication Skills.
5. Philip Kotlar, Marketing Management.
6. C. B. Memoria, Personnel Management.
7. Asha Kaul, Business Communication, PHI.

MCM Syllabus RTMNU

Paper - III: Elective

Elective - I: PHP & My-SQL

Introducing PHP- Why PHP and MySQL?, What Is PHP?, What Is MySQL?. Server-Side Scripting Overview- Static HTML,Client-Side Technologies, What Is Server-Side Scripting Good For? Learning PHP Syntax and Variables - PHP Is Forgiving, HTML Is Not PHP, PHP‘s Syntax Is C-Like, Comments, Variables, Types in PHP: Don‘t Worry, Be Happy, Type Summary, The Simple Types, Output. Learning PHP Control Structures and Functions- Boolean Expressions, Branching, Looping, Alternate Control Syntaxes, Terminating Execution, Using Functions, Function Documentation, Defining Your Own Functions, Functions and Variable Scope, Function Scope. Passing Information with PHP - HTTP Is Stateless, GET Arguments, A Better Use for GET-Style URLs, POST
Arguments, Formatting Form Variables, PHP Superglobal Arrays. Learning PHP String Handling - Strings in PHP, String Functions. Learning Arrays - The Uses of Arrays,
What Are PHP Arrays?, Creating Arrays, Retrieving Values, Multidimensional Arrays,
Inspecting Arrays, Deleting from Arrays, Iteration. Learning PHP Number Handling-
Numerical Types, Mathematical Operators, Simple Mathematical Functions,
Randomness. PHP Gotchas- Installation-Related Problems, Rendering Problems,
Failures to Load Page, Parse Errors, Missing Includes, Unbound Variables, Function
Problems, Math Problems.

Introducing Databases and MySQL- What Is a Database?, Why a Database?, PHP-
Supported Databases. Installing MySQL- Obtaining MySQL, Installing MySQL on Linux,
Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows. Learning Structured Query Language (SQL)-
Relational Databases and SQL, SQL Standards, The Workhorses of SQL, Database
Design, Privileges and Security. Learning Database Administration and Design -
Basic MySQL Client Commands, MySQL User Administration, Backups, Replication,
Recovery. Integrating PHP and MySQL- Connecting to MySQL, Making MySQL
Queries, Fetching Data Sets, Getting Data about Data, Multiple Connections, Building in
Error Checking, Creating MySQL Databases with PHP, MySQL Functions. Performing
Database Queries - HTML Tables and Database Tables, Complex Mappings, Creating
the Sample Tables. Integrating Web Forms and Databases- HTML Forms, Basic Form
Submission to a Database, Self-Submission, Editing Data with an HTML Form.
Improving Database Efficiency- Connections — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Indexing
and Table Design, Making the Database Work for You. MySQL Gotchas- No
Connection, Problems with Privileges, Unescaped Quotes, Broken SQL Statements, Too
Little Data, Too Much Data, Specific SQL Functions, Debugging and Sanity Checking.

Introducing Object-Oriented PHP - What Is Object-Oriented Programming?, Basic
PHP Constructs for OOP, Advanced OOP Features, Introspection Functions, Extended
Example: HTML Forms, Gotchas and Troubleshooting, OOP Style in PHP. Advanced
Array Functions - Transformations of Arrays, Stacks and Queues, Translating between
Variables and Arrays, Sorting, Printing Functions for Visualizing Arrays. Examining

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Regular Expressions - Tokenizing and Parsing Functions, Why Regular Expressions?,
Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions, Example: A simple link-scraper, Advanced String
Functions. Working with the File system - Understanding PHP File Permissions, File
Reading and Writing Functions, Filesystem and Directory Functions, Network Functions,
Date and Time Functions, Calendar Conversion Functions. Working with Cookies and
Sessions- What‘s a Session?, Home-grown Alternatives, How Sessions Work in PHP,
Sample Session Code, Session Functions, Configuration Issues, Cookies, Sending
HTTP Headers, Gotchas and Troubleshooting. Handing Exceptions with PHP - Error
Handling in PHP, Other Methods of Error Handling, Logging and Debugging. Debugging
PHP Programs - General Troubleshooting Strategies, A Menagerie of Bugs, Using Web
Server Logs, PHP Error Reporting and Logging, Error-Reporting Functions. Learning
PHP Style- The Uses of Style, Readability, Maintainability, Robustness, Efficiency and
Conciseness, HTML Mode or PHP Mode?, Separating Code from Design.

Sending E-Mail with PHP- Sending E-Mail with PHP, Sending Mail from a Form,
Integrating PHP and Java- PHP for Java programmers, Integrating PHP and Java.
Integrating PHP and JavaScript- Outputting JavaScript with PHP, PHP as a Backup for
JavaScript, Static versus Dynamic JavaScript. Integrating PHP and XML- What Is
XML?, Working with XML, Documents and DTDs, SAX versus DOM, DOM, SAX,
SimpleXML API, A Sample XML Application, Gotchas and Troubleshooting. Creating
and Consuming Web Services with PHP- The End of Programming as We Know It,
REST, XML-RPC, SOAP, .NET, Current Issues with Web Services, Project: A REST
Client. Creating Graphics with PHP- Your Options, HTML Graphics, Creating images
using gd, Gotchas and Troubleshooting.

Text Book:
1. Steve Suehring, Tim Converse & Joyce Park, PHP and MySQL, Wiely.

Reference Books:
1. Joel Murach & Ray Harris, murach‘s PHP and MySQL, Shroff Publishers.
2. Timothy Boronczyk, Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le Scouarnec,
Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass, Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web
Development, Wiley.
3. Jason Gilmore, Beginning PHP and MySQL.
4. Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 days - Techmedia.

Paper - III: Elective

Elective - II: VB. Net

Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework: The Common Language Runtime,
Undestanding Assemblies, The .NET Security Model. The Visual Basic .NET
Devlopment Environment: Working with the Visual Studio IDE, Creating a Visual Basic
.NET Solution. The Elements of Visual Basic .NET: Visual Baisc .NET: The
Foundation, Getting Started, Classes, Types, and Objects. Visual Basic .NET
Operators. Software Design, Conditional Structures, and Control Flow: Control
Flow, Conditional Statements, Loops, Pausing , Resuming, and Exiting Iteration.

Methods: What is Method, Method Data, Method Access Characteristics, Properties, Introduction to Exception Handling, Design and Construction of Method. Classes: Class characteristics, Inheritance. Exception Handling and Classes: Structured Exception Handling, Exception Statements, Creating your own Exception Class. Collections, Arrays, and Other Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Arrays, Jagged Arrays, Programming against Arrays, Array Exceptions.

Advanced Interface Patterns:Adapter, Delegates, and Events : Adapters and Wrappers, Delegates, sorting Data with Delegates, Mulicast Delegates. Data Processing and I/O : Data Processing, Working with Strings, Members of the String Class, Classic Visual Basic String Functions, String Formatting, Building Strings with String builder. Files and Directories, Streams.

Interfacing with the End User: Windows Form, Introduction to Threading, MDI Application, Components and Controls, Menus and Toolbars, Response to User Input, Collecting User Input, Presentation and Informational Controls, Drag and Drop. Getting Ready to Release: The System.Diagnostics Namespace, Enabling Debugging, Runtime Configuration Files, Working with the Debug Class, Tracing and Trace Class, Debugging with Visual Studio .NET, The Visual Studio .NET Compiler.

Text Book:
1. Jeffry R. Shapiro, The Complete Reference, Visual Basic .NET McGraw- Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Thearon Willis, Jonathan Crossland, Richard Blair, Beginning CB.Net 2003,
Dreamtech Press, Wiley.
2. Francesco Balena, Programming Microsoft Visual, Microsoft Press.
3. Jeffrey Kent, Visual basic.Net - A Beginner‘s Guide, McGraw- Hill.

Paper - III: Elective

Elective - III: C#. Net

Introducing C# - What is C#?, Evaluation of C#, Characteristics of C#, Application of
C#, How does C# Differ from C++?, How does C# Differ from Java?. Understanding
.NET: The C# Environment - The .NET Strategy, The Origin of .NET Technology, The
.NET Framework, The Common Langue Runtime, Framework Base Class, User and
Program Interface, Visual Studio .NET, .NET Languages, Benefits of the .NET Approach,
C# and .NET. Overview of C# - Introduction, A Simple C# Program, Namespaces,
Adding Comments, Main Running Value, Using Aliases for Namespaces Classes,
Passing String Objects to WriteLine Method, Command Line Argument, Main with Class,
Providing Interactive Input, Using Mathematical Function, Multiple Main Methods,
Compile Time Error, Program Structure, Program Coding Style. Literals, Variables and
Data Types - Introduction, Literals, Variables, Data Types, Value Types, Reference
Type, Declaration Types, Initialization of Variables, Default Value, Constant Variable,
Scope of Variables, Boxing and Unboxing. Operators and Expressions - Introduction,
Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators,
Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special
Operators, Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of Expressions, Precedence of Arithmetic
Operators, Type Conversion, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical
Function. Decision Making and Branching - Introduction, Decision Making with if
Statement, Simple if Statement, The if…else Statement, The else if Ladder, The Switch
Statement, The ? : Operator, Decision Making and Looping - Introduction, The while
Statement, The do Statement, The for Statement, The foreach Statement, Jumps in

Methods in C# - Introduction, Declaring Methods, The Main Method, Invoking Methods,
Nesting of Methods, Method Parameters, Pass by Value, Pass by Reference, The
Output Parameters, Variables Argument List, Methods Overloading. Handling Arrays -
Introduction, One-Dimensional Array, Creating an Array, Two-Dimensional Array,
Variable-Size Arrays, The System.Array Class, ArrayList Class. Manipulating Strings -
Introduction, Creating String, String Methods, Inserting String, Comparing String, Finding
String, Mutable String Arrays of String, Regular Expressions. Structures and
Enumerations - Introduction, Structurs, Structs with Methods, Nested Structs,
Difference between Classes and Structs, Enumerations, Enumerator Base Type,
Enumerator type Conversion.
Classes and Objects - Introduction, Basic Principle of OOP, Defining a Class, Adding
Variables, Adding Methods, Member Access Modifiers, Creating Objects, Accessing
Class Members, Constructors, Overloaded Constructors, Static Members, Static
Constructors, Private Constructors, Copy Constructors, Destructors, Member
Initialization, The This Reference, Nesting of Members, Constant Members, Read-only
Members, Properties, Indexers. Inheritance and Polymorphism - Introduction,
Classical Inheritance, Containment Inheritance, Defining a Subclass, Visibility Control,
Defining Subclass Constructors, Multilevel Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance,
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Overriding Methods, Hiding Methods, Abstract method, Sealed Class: Preventing Inheritance, Sealed Methods, Polymorphism. Interface: Multiple Inheritance -
Introduction, Defining an Interface, Extending Interface, Implementing Interface, Interface and Inheritance, Explicit Interface Implementation, Abstract Class and Interface. Operator Overloading - Introduction, Overloadable Operators, Need for Operator Overloading, Defining Operator Overloading, Overloading Unary Operator, Overloading Binary Operator, Overloading Comparison Operator.

Delegates and Events - Introduction, Delegates, Delegates Declaration, Delegates
Methods, Delegates Instantiation, Using Delegates, Multicast Delegates, Events.
Managing Errors and Exceptions - Introduction, What is Debugging?, Types of Errors,
Exceptions, Syntax of Exception Handling Code, Multiple Catch Statements, The
Exception Hierarchy, General Catch Handler, Using Finally Statement, Nested Try
Blocks, Throwing Our Own Exceptions, Checked and Unchecked Operators, Using
Exceptions for Debugging. Multithreading in C# - Introduction, Understanding the
System.Threading Namespace, Creating and Starting a Thread, Scheduling a Thread,
Synchronizing Threads, Threading Pooling. Window Form and Web-based
Application Development on .NET - Introduction, Creating Window Form, Customizing
a Form, Understanding Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Creating and Running a
SimpleWinApp Windows Application, Overview of Design Patterns, Creating and
Running a SimpleWinApp2 Windows Application, Web-based Application Errors.

Text Book:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming in C#, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Rod Stephens, C# 5.0 - Programmer‘s Reference, Wrox A Wiley Brand.
2. Rod Stephens, C# - 24 -Hour Trainer, Wrox A Wiley Brand.
3. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C# 4.0, McGraw-Hill.

Paper - IV: Compulsory Foundation

Compulsory Foundation: Research Methodology

Research process, Problem and Hypothesis:
About Research - Introduction, Application of research, Definitions of research,
Characteristics/Features of a good research, Types of research, Research Methods and
Methodology, Research/Scientific Methods/Discovery, Research approaches,
Application of research in management (Research applications in marketing
management, Production management, Financial management, Human resource
management, Current status of research in India), Limitations of research. Research
Process - Defining and Formulating the Research Problem, Extensive Literature Survey,
Development of the Working Hypothesis, Preparing the Research Designs, Determining
the Sample Designs, Collecting the Data (Data Collection), Execution of the Project,
Analysis of the Data, Hypothesis Testing and Verification, Generalization, Interpretation
and drawing conclusions, Preparation of the report or writing the thesis. Research
Problem - What is Research Problem?, Components of a research problem, Selection of
a research problem, Technique involve in defining a research problem, Sources of
problem, Research Proposal or Synopsis, Preparing synopsis for the research,
Preparing research Plan. Hypothesis - Sources of hypothesis, Origin of hypothesis,
Characteristics of a good hypothesis.

Research Design and Sampling Design:
About Research Design - Introduction, Definition, Components of a research designs, Concepts related to research designs, Types of research designs. Sampling Design -
Definition of sampling?, Features of the sampling technique, Essentials of an ideal sample, Types of sampling, Selecting/Calculating the sample size, Determination of sample size n When estimating the population mean, Some basic technologies of sampling, Common sampling distribution, Sampling theory.

Data Collection, Preparation of Questionnaire and Schedule:
About Data Collection - Introduction, Primary data, Secondary data, Collection of primary data, Sources of secondary data, Creating a mechanism for gathering secondary data. Questionnaire and Schedule - Merits, Demerits, Formulation of Questionnaire, Various Method/ Technique for getting the Response, Construction of Questionnaire, Schedule, Types of Schedules, Difference between Questionnaire and Schedules, Types of Questions, Case Study Method.

Analysis of Data, Hypothesis Testing, Role of SPSS and Excel:
Analysis of Data -Introduction, Processing of data, Diagrammatic presentation in
research, Scaling. Role of Statistics -Relational Statistics, Inferential Statistics(Inductive
Statistics), Measures of Central Tendency, Types of central tendency or Average,
Standard Deviation, Skewers, Correlation , Z-Test, t-Test or t-Distribution. Research
Hypothesis - Introduction of Research hypothesis, The Rationale for Hypothesis

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Testing, A General Procedure for Hypothesis Testing, Steps Involved in Hypothesis
Testing, Procedure for Testing Hypothesis, Two-Sides and One-Sided Tests. Role of
SPSS - Introduction, The Variables view, Statistical Types in SPSS, The SPSS
Interface, Running procedures from the Menus, SPSS output files. Role of MS Excel -
Excel and Research, The Excel spreadsheet, The Spreadsheet - The Container, Parts of
the Spreadsheet, Create a new File, Save a new file, Open an existing file, Close a file,
Navigating the spreadsheet, A simple spreadsheet, Simple formulas, Insert row and
columns, Sorting, Chart wizard, Using Excel to determine a confidence interval, Using
Excel for t-test of hypothesis, The t-test for Dependent(and Matched-Pair) Samples,
Using Excel for ANOVA, Using Excel for Correlation, Using Excel for Linear Regression,
Using Excel for Chi-Square Tests.

Text Book:
1. Mukul Gupta , Deepa Gupta, Research Methodology, PHI.

Reference Books:
1. Dr. C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International (P Ltd)
2. Dr. J. Y. Khan, Research Methodology, A. T. H. Publishing Corporation.
3. Dr. Prasant Sarangi, Research Methodology, Taxmann‗s.
4. Briony J Oates, Researching Information Systems and Computing, SAGE
5. Uma Sekaran & Roger Bougie, Research Methods for Business, Wiley.
6. Dr. Vijay Upagade & Dr. Arvind Shende, Research Methodology, S. Chand.

New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17

MCM Semester 1


1. Fundamental of Information Technology

2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept

3. Introduction to Operating Systems

4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9 )


1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems

2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office

MCM Semester 2


1. Management Information Systems

2. Core Java

3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research

4. E-Commerce and Web Designing


1. Practical-I : Core Java

2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript


MCM Semester 3

(A) Theory

1. Advanced Database Management System

2. Principles & Techniques of Management

3. Electives

( i ) PHP & My-SQL

( ii ) VB.Net

( iii ) C#.Net

4. Research Methodology

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL

2. Practical-II : Electives

MCM Semester 4

(A) Theory

1. ASP.Net

2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java

(ii) Android Programming

(iii) Python

3. Electives : ( i ) Big Data & Hadoop

( ii ) Software Engineering

( iii )Strategic Management

(B) Practical

1. Practical-I : ASP.Net

2. Practical-II : Electives

(C) Project


BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic Others,

Basic Programming

C / C++ ,


Software Testing,

Hardware & Networking

CCNA, MCSE, Hardware, Networking

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