MCM Master of Computer Management 2nd Sem MCM 2nd Semester Syllabus and Classes Nagpur University
Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for MCM second Semester for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to MCM Students.
MCM Part-I Semester-II ( New Syllabus 2016 -17 )
Paper-I :
Management Information Systems
Strategic View of MIS:
Management information system in a digital firm: Management Information System
(MIS): Concept, Definition, Role of MIS, Impact of the MIS, MIS and the user, Management as a control system, MIS: A support to the management, Management
effectiveness and MIS, Organization as a System, MIS: Organization Effectiveness, MIS for a digital firm. E-Business Enterprise: A digital firm - Introduction, Organization of
business in a digital firm, E-Business, E-Commerce, E-Communication, E-Collaboration, Real Time Enterprise.
Strategic Management Of Business Performance: Concept of corporate planning, Essentiality of strategic planning, Development of the business strategies, Types of strategies, Short range planning, Tools of planning, Strategic analysis of business, Balance score card, Score card and dash board, MIS: Strategic business planning. Information security challenges in E-Enterprises: Introduction, Security threats and vulnerability, Controlling security threats and vulnerability, Managing security threat E-Business, Disaster management, Information security.
Basic of Management Information Systems: Decision-Making: Concept, Process, Decision analysis by analytical modeling, Behavioral concepts in Decision - Making, Organizational Decision Making. Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence: Information concepts, Information: A quality product, Classification of the information, Methods of data and information collection, Value of the information, General model of a human as an information processor, Summary of information concept and their implications, Knowledge and knowledge management systems, Business intelligence MIS and the information and knowledge. System Engineering: Analysis And Design: System concepts, System control, Types of system, Handling system complexity, Classes of systems, General model of MIS, The need for system analysis, System analysis of the existing system, System analysis of a new requirement, System development model, Structured system analysis and design (SSAD), Object oriented analysis (OOA), System development through OOT: A use case model, OOSAD development life cycle.
Development process of MIS: Development of long range plans of the MIS, Ascertaining the class of information, Determining the information requirement, Development and implementation of the MIS, Management of information quality in MIS, Organization for development of MIS, MIS: Development Process Model. Strategic Design of MIS: Strategic management of the business, Why strategic design of MIS?, Balance score card, Score card, and dash board, Strategic design MIS Development
process steps for strategic design(SD) of MIS, illustrating SD of MIS for Big Bazzar, Strategic management of business and SD of MIS, Business strategy determination, Business strategy implementation. Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR): Introduction, Business process, Process model of organization, Value stream model of the organization, What delays the Business Process? Relevance of information
technology (IT), MIS and BPR.
MCM Syllabus RTMNU
Applications of Management Information Systems to E-Business:
Application in manufacturing sector: Introduction, Personnel management (PM), Financial management (FM), Production management (PM), Raw material management(RMM), Marketing management, Corporate overview. Application in Service Sector: Introduction to service sector, Creating a distinctive service, Service concept, Service process cycle and analysis, Customer service design, Service management system , MIS application in service industry, MIS: Service industry. Decision support systems and knowledge management: Decision support systems (DSS): Concept and philosophy, Group decision support system(GDSS), DSS application in E-Enterprise, Knowledge management , Knowledge management systems, Knowledge based expert system (KBES), MIS and the benefits of DSS. Enterprise Management Systems: Enterprise management systems(Ems), Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, ERP models and modules, Benefits of the ERP, ERP product evaluation, ERP implementation, Supply chain management (SCM), Information management in SCM, Customer relationship management (CRM), EMS and MIS.
Text Book:
1. Waman S. Jawadekar, Management Information Systems, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. D. P. Goyal, Management Information Systems, Vikas Publishing.
2. D. P. Nagpal, Management Information Systems, S. Chand.
3. S. Sadagopan, Management Information Systems, PHI.
4. A. K. Gupta, Management Information Systems, S. Chand.
5. Mahesh Halale, Management Information Systems, Himalaya publishing house.
6. Kanter, Managing with Information, PHI.
Paper - II:
Core Java
Java Evolution - Java history, Java features, How java differ from C and C++, Java and internet, Java and world wide web, Web browsers, Hardware and software requirements, Java support systems, Java environment. Overview of Java Language - Introduction, Simple Java programs, More of Java, An application with two classes, Java program structure, Java tokens, Java statements, Implementing a Java program, Java virtual machine, Command line arguments, Programming style. Constants, Variables, and Data Types - Introduction, Constants, Variables, Data Types, Declaration of variables,
Giving value to variables, Scope of variables, Symbolic constants, Type casting, Getting values of variables, Standards default values. Operators and Expressions -Introduction, Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Logical operators, Assignment operators, Increment and decrement operators, Conditional operators, Bitwise operators, Special operators, Arithmetic expression, Evaluation of expression, Precedence of
arithmetic operators, Type conversion in expression, Operator precedence and associativity, Mathematical functions. Decision Making and Branching - Introduction, Decision making with If Statement, Simple If statement, The If…Else statement, Nesting
of If...Else statement, The Else If ladder, The switch statement, The? : Operators. Decision Making and Looping - Introduction, The while statement, The do statement, The for statement, Jumps in loops, Labeled loops.
Classes, Objects and Methods - Introduction, Defining a class, Fields declaration, Methods declaration, Creating objects,Accessing class members, Constructors, Method
overloading, Static members, Nesting of methods, Inheritance: Extending a class, Overriding methods, Final variables and methods, Final classes, Finalizer methods, Abstract methods and classes, Methods with varargs, Visibility Controls. Arrays, Strings and Vectors - Introduction, One-Dimensional Array, Creating an array, Two-Dimensional Array, Strings, Vectors, Wrappers classes, Enumerated types, Annotations.
Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance - Introduction, Defining interfaces, Extending interfaces, Implementing interfaces, Accessing interface variables.
Packages: Putting Classes Together - Introduction, Java API Packages, Using system packages, Naming conventions, Creating packages, Accessing a package, Using a package, Adding a class to package, Hiding classes, Static import. Multi Threaded Programming - Introduction, Creating threads, Extending the thread class, Stopping and blocking a thread, Life cycle of thread, Using thread methods, Thread exception,
Thread priority, Implementing the ‗Runnable‘ interface, Inter-thread communication. Managing Errors and Exceptions - Introduction, Types of errors, Exceptions, Syntax of exceptions handling code, Multiple catch statements, Using finally statements, Throwing our own exceptions, Improved exception handling in Java ES 7, Using exceptions for debugging.
Applet Programming - Introduction, How applet differ from application, Preparing to write applet, Building applet code, Applet life cycle, Creating an executable applet, Designing a web page, Applet tag, Adding applet to HTML file, Running the applet, More about applet tag, Passing parameters to applet, Aligning the display, More about HTML tags, Displaying numerical values, Getting input from the user, Event handling. Graphics Programming - Introduction, The graphics class, Lines and rectangles, Circles and ellipses, Drawing arcs, Drawing polygons, Line graphs, Using controls loops in applets,
Drawing bar charts, Introduction to AWT packages, Introduction to swing. Managing Input / Output Files in JAVA - Introduction, Concepts of streams, Streams classes, Bytes streams classes, Character streams classes, Using streams, Other useful I/O
classes, Using the file classes, Input / Output exception, Creation of files, Reading/Writing character, Reading/Writing bytes, Handling primitive data types, Concatenating and buffering files, Random access file, Interactive input and output,
Other stream classes. JAVA Collections - Introduction, Overview of interfaces,
Overview of classes, Overview of algorithm.
MCM Syllabus RTMNU
Text Book:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java, McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Dr. R. NageswaraRao, Core Java - An Integrated Approach, Dreamtech Press.
2. Rashmi Kanta Das, Core Java for Beginners, Vikas Publishing.
3. Joel Murach, Murach‘s Java Programming, Shroff Pubishers.
4. Sharanam Shah & Vaishali Shah, Core Java 8 for Begineers, Shroff Pubishers.
5. Patrick Naughton & Herbert Schildt, JAVA 2 - The Complete Reference 3/E,
6. B. M. Harwani, Java for Professionals, Shroff Pubishers.
Paper - III:
Quantity Techniques & Operation Research
Introduction to statistics - Origin and growth of statistics, meaning of statistics, Definitions of statistics, Characteristics of statistics, Main division of statistics, Nature of statistics: a Science or an Art, Scope of statistics , relation of statistics to other sciences, Function of statistics, Importance of statistics, Limitations of statistics, Distrust Misuse of statistics, Statistical thinking, statistical inferences. Measures of central Tendency or Averages - Definition and meaning of average, Qualities of good average, Types of averages, Arithmetic mean, median, Mode, geometric mean ,harmonic mean, Relation among mean ,median and mode, Relation among arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean, Quartiles ,deciles, and percentiles. Measures of dispersion - Definition of dispersion , meaning of dispersion , purpose of dispersion, quartiles of a good Measures of dispersion, Measures of dispersion, range, quartile deviation or semi-inter quartile range, mean deviation or average deviation, standard deviation or root-mean square deviation, co-efficient of variation, variance, combined standard deviation, relation among quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation, Lorenz curve—graphical presentation of dispersion.
Correlation Analysis - Meaning of correlation, definition of correlation, usefulness of correlation analysis, types of correlation, co-efficient of correlation , measurement of correlation, probable error of co-efficient of correlation, standard error of co-efficient of correlation, co-efficient of determination, correlation ratio. Regression Analysis -Introduction, meaning of regression, definition of Regression, usefulness of Regression analysis, types of Regression, Regression lines, Regression equation, Regression co-efficients, standard erroe of estimate (SEE), ratio of variation, galton graph, limitations of Regression analysis, distinguish between correlation and Regression. Probability Analysis - Introduction, meaning of Probability, properties of Probability, importance of Probability, Probability related events, theorems of Probability, fundamental rules of Probability, calculation of Probability.
Operation Research: An Introduction - Operation Research - Quantitative approach to decision making, The history of Operation Research, Definition of Operation Research, Characteristics of Operation Research approach, Applications of Operation Research, Computer software for Operation Research. Linear Programming: Application & Model Formulation - Introduction, Structure of linear programming model, Advantage of using linear programming, Limitations of linear programming, Application areas of linear programming, General mathematical model of linear programming problem, Guidelines on linear programming model formulation, Example of linear programming model formulation. Linear Programming: The Graphical Method -Introduction, Important definitions, Graphical solution methods of LP problem. Linear
Programming: The Simplex Method - Introduction, Standard form of an LP problem, Simplex algorithm (Maximization & Minimization Case), Types of linear programming solutions.
Transportation Problem - Introduction, Mathematical model of transportation problem, Methods of finding initial solution. Assignment Problem - Introduction, Mathematical model of statement assignment problem, Solution methods of assignment problem (Hungarian Method).
MCM Syllabus RTMNU
Decision Theory and Decision Trees - Introduction, Steps of decision making process, Types of decision making environments, Decision making under uncertainty, Decision
making under risk, Decision trees analysis, Decision making with utilities. Theory of Games - Introduction, Two Person zero sum games, Pure strategies (Minimax and minimum principles): games with saddle point, Mixed strategies: game without saddle
point, The rules of dominance, Solution methods for games without saddle point. Project management: PERT and CPM - Introduction, Basic difference between PERT and CPM, Phases of project management, PERT/CPM network components and precedence relationships, Critical path analysis, Project scheduling with uncertain activity times, Project time-cost trade-off, Updating of the project progress. Replacement and Maintenance Models - Introduction, Types of failure, Replacement of items whose efficiency deteriorates with time, Replacement of items that fail completely, Other replacement problems.
Text Book:
1. E. Narayanan Nadar, Statistics, PHI.
2. J. K. Sharma, Operation Research - Theory & applications, Macmillan.
Reference Books:
1. P. N. Arora, S. Arora, Statistics, S. Chand.
2. Richard A. Johnson & Gouri K. Bhattavharyya, Statistics - Principles and Methods, Wiley.
3. S. C. Gupta, V. K. kapoor, Fundamentas of Mathematical Statistics, S. Chad & Sons.
4. Ken Black, Applied Business Statistics, Wiley.
5. Ravindran, Phillips & Solberg, Operation Research - Principles & Practice, Wiley.
6. R. Panneerselvam, Operations Research, PHI.
7. Prem Kumar Gupta, D. S. Hira, Operations Research, S. Chand.
Paper-IV :
E-Commerce and Web Designing
Introduction- Electronic Commerce And Physical Commerce, The DIGITAL Phenomenon, Looking At E-Commerce From Different Perspectives, Different Types Of E-Commerce, Some E-Commerce Scenarios, Changes Brought By E-Commerce,
Advantages Of E-Commerce, Myths About E-Commerce Development And Implementation, System Model And Road Map Of This Book. Internet And World Wide Web- An Overview Of The Internet, Brief History Of The Web, Web System Architecture, Uniform Resource Locator, Overview Of The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Generation Of Dynamic Web Pages, Cookies, HTTP/1.1, Example. Client Side Programming- Important Factors In Client-Side Or Web Programming, Web Page Design And Production, Overview Of HTML, Basic Structure Of An HTML Document, Basic Text Formatting, Links, Images, ImageMap, Tables, Frames, Form, Cascading Style Sheets, Javascript.
Server-Side Programming I: Servlet Fundamentals- Revisiting The Tree-Tier Model, Common Gateways Interface (CGI), Active Server Page (ASP), Overview Of Java Servlet, Java Servlet Architecture, Overview Of Servlet API, Building The Virtual Bookstore- Step By Step, Your First Servlet- Welcome To VBS, Compilation And Execution Of Servlets, An Interactive Servlet Program Example: Topics Of Interest, Topics Of Interest: Cookie Approach. Server-Side Programming II: Database Connectivity- Introduction, Relational Database Systems, JDBC Perspectives, A JDBC Program Example: Simple Servlet Book Query, An Advance Book Query: Servletbookquerymulti, Advanced JDBC Servlet: VBS Advance Book Search Engine. Server-Side Programming III: Session Tracking-Introduction, Traditional Session Tracking Techniques, The Servlet Session Tracking Techniques, The Servlet Session Tracking API, A Practical Case: VBS Shopping Cart. Basic Cryptography Enabling E-Commerce- Security Concern, Security Requirements, Encryption, Two Basic Principles For Private Key Encryption, The Key Distribution Problem, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol, Public Key Encryption, RSA Encryption Algorithm, Hybrid Encryption, Other Public Key Encryption Methods, Stream Cipher And Block Cipher, Message Digest, Message Authentication Code,
Digital Signature, Digital Signature Standard, Authentication.
Internet Security- IPSec protocol, setting up associations, the authentication header (AH) service, the encapsulating security payload (ESP) service, preventing replay attack, application of IPSec: virtual private network, firewalls, different types of firewalls, example of firewall system, secure socket layer (SSL), putting everything together. Advanced techniques for e-commerce- introduction to mobile agents, WAP: the enabling technology for mobile commerce, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Data mining.
MCM Syllabus RTMNU
Internet Payment System- Characteristics Of Payment System, 4C Payment Methods, SET Protocol For Credit Card Payment, E-Cash, E-Check, Micropayment System, Overview Of Smart Card, Overview Of Mondex, Putting It All Together For Payment In The VBS. Consumer Oriented E-Commerce- Introduction, Traditional Retailing And E-Retailing, Benefits Of E-Retailing, Key Success Factors, Models Of E-Retailing, Features Of Retailing, Developing A Consumer-Oriented E-Commerce System, The PASS Model. Business Oriented Commerce- Features Of B2B E-Commerce, Business Model, Integration. E-Services- Categories Of E-Services, Web-Enabled Services,
Matchmaking Services, Information-Selling On The Web, E-Entertainment, Auctions And Other Specialized Services, Traditional Versus Internet Advertising, Internet Advertising
Techniques And Strategies, Business Models For Advertising And Their Revenue Streams, Pricing Models And Measurement Of The Effectiveness Of Advertisements, Web Publishing- Goals And Criteria, Web Site Development Methodologies, Logical Design Of The User Interface I- Abstract User Interface, Logical Design Of The User Interface II- Flow Of Interaction, Usability Testing And Quality Assurance, Web Presence
And Visibility.
Text Book:
1. Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, & Elizabeth Chang, E-Commerce -Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley.
Reference Books:
1. Eric van der Vlist, Danny Ayers, Erik Bruchez, Joe Fawcett, AlessandroVernet,
Professional Web 2.0 Programming, Wiely.
2. Michael P. Papazoglou, Pieter M.A. Ribbers, e-Business, Wiely.
3. Brian P. Hogan, HTML5 and CSS3, Shroff Publishers.
4. Sandeep panda, AngularJS - Novice to Ninja, Shroff Publishers.
New MCM Syllabus Semester Pattern From 2016 - 17
1. Fundamental of Information Technology
2. Programming in C & OOPs Concept
3. Introduction to Operating Systems
4. Computerized Accounting ( Tally ERP 9 )
1. Practical-I : Programming in C & Operating Systems
2. Practical-II : Tally ( ERP 9 ) & MS-Office
MCM Semester 2
1. Management Information Systems
2. Core Java
3. Quantitative Techniques & Operation Research
4. E-Commerce and Web Designing
1. Practical-I : Core Java
2. Practical-II : HTML, JavaScript
MCM Semester 3
(A) Theory
1. Advanced Database Management System
2. Principles & Techniques of Management
3. Electives
( i ) PHP & My-SQL
( ii ) VB.Net
( iii ) C#.Net
4. Research Methodology
(B) Practical
1. Practical-I : SQL & PL/SQL
2. Practical-II : Electives
MCM Semester 4
(A) Theory
1. ASP.Net
2. Electives : (i) Advanced Java
(ii) Android Programming
(iii) Python
3. Electives : ( i ) Big Data & Hadoop
( ii ) Software Engineering
( iii )Strategic Management
(B) Practical
1. Practical-I : ASP.Net
2. Practical-II : Electives
(C) Project
BCA Bachelor Of Computer Application, BCCA, Bachelor of Commerce & Computer Application BE IT/CS, Information technology/Computer Science MCA, Master of Computer Application MCM, Master of Computer Management Diploma , Polytechnic Others,