BE Bachelor of Engineering Information Technology 5th Sem

BE 5th Semester University Syllabus Course and Classes For Engineering

Atlanta Computer Institute Nagpur conducts Tuition Classes for BE for all universities in India . The Following syllabus is of Nagpur University. Final Year Projects Training is also given to BE IT Students.


 BE IT Fifth Semester Subjects RTM Nagpur University










(Theory Credit: 04)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:Lecture: 3 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 MarksTutorial: 1 Hour/week Duration of University Exam.: 03 hours
Introduction to System Software and IBM 360 Machine:

Evolution of components of programming system, Operating System, Overview, Functions and Facilities o, Goals of System software, Views of System Software, Virtual machine. General machine structure IBM 360/370, Machine Language Assembly language.
UNIT II: Assembler:
Design of Pass-I and Pass-II Assemblers, Table Processing, Searching and Sorting, Problems based on symbol table, Base table and Literal table generation, Machine code generation and Searching and sorting.
UNIT III:Macro Language and Macro Processor:
Macro instruction, Features of Macro facility, Implementation of 1-Pass, 2-Pass Macro processor, Macro calls within macro, macro definition within macros.
Loaders and Linkers:

Different Loading Schemes, Binders, Overlays, Linking loaders, Design of absolute loaders, Design of Direct Linking loaders.
UNIT V: Compiler:
Phases of Compiler, Cross Compiler, Bootstrapping, Erros in each phases, ,Compiler writing tools, Lex and YACC, Databases used in Compilation process.
UNIX Device Drivers:

Introduction to Device drivers, Types of Device Drivers, Design issues in Device Drivers, Driver installation with example, character driver-A/D Converter, Block Driver-RAM Disk driver, Terminal Driver-The COM1 port driver

Text Books:
1 J. J. Donovan; System Programming; TMH, 2012
2 D.M. Dhamdhere; System Programming; THM; 2011
3 George Pajari; Eritting Unix Device Drivers; Pearson Education; 2011
4 O.G. Kakade; Principles of Compiler Design; Laxmi Pub. 2008

Reference Books:
1 Leland Beck, D. Manjula; System Software; An Introduction to System Programming; Pearson Education; 2013
2 Alfred Aho, J. Ullman; Principles of Compiler Design; Narosa Pub. 2010



(Theory Credit: 05)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:Lecture: 4 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 MarksTutorial: 1 Hour/week Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours
UNIT I: Mathematical foundation, summation of arithmetic and geometric series, Σn, Σn2, bounding summation using integrations, recurrence relations, solutions of recurrence relations using technique of characteristic equation, recursion tree method and master theorem, generating functions, Complexity calculation of various standard functions, principles of designing algorithms
UNIT II: Asymptotic notations of analysis of algorithms, analyzing control structures, worst case,average case and best case analysis of insertion sort, selection sort and bubble sort, ,lower bound proof, amortized analysis, application of amortized analysis, Sorting networks, comparison networks, biotonic sorting network.
UNIT III: Divide and conquer strategies: Binary search, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, Stressen’s matrix multiplication algorithm, min-max algorithm. Greedy Approach:Basic strategy, activity selection problem, application to job sequencing with deadlines problem, knapsack problem, optimal merge pattern, Huffman code, minimum cost spanning tree using Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm,
UNIT IV: Dynamic Programming: Basic Strategy, Multistage graph (forward and backward approach), Longest Common Subsequence, matrix chain multiplication, Optimal Binary Search Tree, 0/1 Knapsack problems, Travelling Salesman problem, single source shortest path using Bellman-Ford algorithm, all pair shortest path using Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Basic Traversal and Search Techniques, breadth first search and depth first search, connected components. Backtracking: basic strategy, 4-Queen’s problem, 8-Queen’s problem, graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles etc, Approximation algorithm and concepts based on approximation algorithms
NP-hard and NP-complete problems, basic concepts, non-deterministic algorithms, NP-hard and NP-complete, Cook’s theorem, decision and optimization problems, polynomial reductions, graph based problems on NP Principle, Computational Geometry, Approximation algorithm.

Text Books:
1 “Introduction to Algorithms”, Thirs Edition, Prentice Hall of India by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.
2. “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms”, Pearson education by Alfred
V. Aho, John E. Hopcraft, Jeffrey D. Ullman.
2 “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Second Edition, University Press By Horowitz, Sahani, Rajsekharam.
3 “Fundamentals of Algorithms”, Prentice Hall by Brassard, Bratley
4 “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”,Pearson Education, IInd Edition, Parag Dave, Himanshu Dave

Reference Books:
1. Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and analysis, 3rd Edition, By Sara Baase and A. V. Gelder Pearson Education.



(Theory Credit: 04)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lecture: 3 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks Tutorial: 1 Hour/week Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours 
UNIT I: Basics: Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Myths, Software Engineering‐A Layered Technology, Software Process Framework, Software Process Models: The Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Specialized Process Models, Agile Process Models
UNIT II: Measures Metrics and Indicator, Metrics for process & projects: Software measurement, metrics for software quality, metrics for small organization, Estimation: Software scope and Feasibility, Resources, Software project estimation, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical Estimation Models, Make-buy Decision, Project scheduling
UNIT III: System Engineering: Hierarchy, Business Process Engineering, Product Engineering, System Modeling, Requirements Engineering: Requirements Analysis, Analysis Modeling Approaches, Data Modeling, Object‐Oriented Analysis, Scenario‐Based Modeling, Flow‐Oriented Modeling, Class‐based Modeling, Behavioral Model, Metrics for Analysis Models
Design Engineering Concepts, Design Model, Pattern‐Based Software Design, Architectural Design, Mapping data flow into software architecture, Cohesion, Coupling, User interface analysis and Design,Metrics for Design Models
Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing, Art of Debugging, Software Testing Fundamentals, Black‐Box Testing, White‐Box Testing, Metrics for Source Code, Metrics for Testing & Maintenance
UNIT VI:Risk Management: Risk strategies, Software risks, Risk identification, Risk refinement,RMMM Quality Management: Quality Concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews, Formal Technical Review, Software Reliability, Change Management: Software Configuration Management, SCM Repository, SCM Process, Reengineering:Software reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Restructuring, Forward Engineering
Text Books:
1 Software Engineering‐A Practitioner’s Approach (Sixth Edition) by Roger Pressman (TMH)
2 Software Engineering (Ninth Edition)‐Ian Summerville (Pearson)
3 Software Engineering for students (4th Edition)-Douglas Bell(Pearson)

Reference Books:
1 Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Software Engineering by David Gustafson (TMH)
2 Software Engineering (Third Edition) by K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh (New age International Publishers)
3 Software Engineering, Theory and Practice(4th Edition)-Pfleeger, Atlee(Pearson)

BEIT503P  Software Engineering

 (Practical Credit: 01)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Practical: P (U): 25 Marks P (I): 25 Marks Duration of University Exam. : 02 Hours ====================================================
1 Practicals are based on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING syllabus (subject code: BEIT503T)
2 Practicals are based on:a) DFDb) UML diagrams for softwarec) Testing Toolsd) CASE Tools
3 Minimum ten practicals have to be performed
4 Do not include study experiments



 (Theory Credit: 05)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:Lecture: 4 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 MarksTutorial: 1 Hour/week Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours====================================================
UNIT I: Geometry and line generation: points, lines, planes, pixels and frames buffers, types of display devices and its architecture DDA and Bresenham’s algorithms for line generation, Bresenham’s algorithm for circle generation, aliasing , anti-aliasing and its techniques.
UNIT II: Graphics primitives: Display files, algorithms for polygon generation, polygon filling algorithms, NDC (normalized device co-ordinates), 2D transformations: scaling, rotation, translation, rotation about arbitrary point, reflections, shearing.
UNIT III: Segment tables: operations on segments, data structures for segments and display files, Windowing and clipping: window, viewport, viewing transformations, clipping, line and Polygon clipping.
UNIT IV: 3D Graphics: 3D Transformation, parallel, perspective and isometric projections, 3D Transformations. Hidden surfaces and line removal: Painter’s, Z-buffer, Warnock’s, Back-face Removal algorithm
UNIT V:Curves and surfaces: Methods of interpolation, Bezier and B-splines, surfacerendering methods: Gouraurd Shading, Phong Shading, Constant Intensity Shading, Fast Shading.
UNIT VI:Color Models and Color Application: Properties of light, standard primaries, chromaticity Diagram, Intuitive colour concept RGB, YIQ CMY, HSK, colour models and their conversion, colour selection and applications. Animation: Design of Animation sequences, animation Function, Raster animation, animation Language, Key-Frame System, motion Specification.
Text Books:
1 Procedural elements for computer graphics by David F. Rogers, Mc-Graw Hill.
2 Computer Graphics 'C' Version, Second Edition By Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, Pearson publication
3 Mathematical elements for computer graphics by David Rogers and J. Alan Adams, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
4 Computer graphics principles and practice in C by Foley, Vandam, Feiner and Huges (Pearson)
5 Computer Graphics, Vikas publications, Neeta Jain
6 Principles of interactive computer graphics by Newman and Sproul.

BEIT504P  Computer GraphicS

 (Practical Credit: 01)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Practical: P (U): 25 Marks P (I): 25 Marks Duration of University Exam. : 02 Hours ====================================================
1 Practicals are based on COMPUTER GRAPHICS syllabus (subject code: BEIT504T)
2 There should be at the most two practicals per unit
3 Minimum ten practicals have to be performed
4 Do not include study experiments



 (Theory Credit: 04)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:Lecture: 3 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 MarksTutorial: 1 Hour/week Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours====================================================
Introduction to Java, Data types, Literals: Types of Literals, Operators, Control Statements: If, switch, do-while, while, for, enhanced for loop, Nested Loop, break, continue, return statements, Classes: Fundamentals of classes, Declaring objects, Assigning objects, Reference variables, Overloading methods, Constructors, this keyword, Wrapper classes, Using object as parameter, Argument passing, Command line arguments, returning object, static modifier, final modifier, Nested classes: inner classes, Garbage collection.
Arrays, Vectors and Generics, String Handling: String and StringBuffer class, String constructors, Data conversion using valueOf(), toString() methods, Methods for String Comparison, Searching string and modifying string.
Object class, Inheritance, Abstract classes and methods, Interfaces, Method Overriding, Packages: Package Fundamental, Access protection, Importing packages, Exception Handling: Fundamental Exception type: Checked, Unchecked and Uncaught Exceptions, throw and throws keywords, Creating user defined exceptions, Built-in Exceptions.
Multithreading:Fundamentals, Thread Life Cycle, Ways of creating threads, Creating multiple threads, isAlive (), join (), Thread Synchronization, Thread priorities, Interthread communication, Methods for suspending, resuming and stopping threads.
I/O stream, Byte stream, Character stream, Pre-defined streams, Reading console input, Writing console output, PrintWriter class, Reading and Writing files, transient and volatile modifiers, instanceof, strictfp and native methods.
Introduction to Swings, AWT as a origin of Swing, Key swing features, Components and container, Swing packages, Event handling, Creating swing applets, Controls: label and image icons, JTextField, Swing Buttons, Tabbed Panes, JScrollPanes, JList, JComboBox, JTable.
Text Books:
1. The Complete Reference (Seventh Edition) by Herbelt Schildt, TATA McGRAW-HILL Publications
Reference Books:
1 Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 6 by Kathy Sierra.
2 The JavaTM Programming Langauge(3rd Edition) by Arnold, Holmes, Gosling, Goteti
3 Core Java for Beginners by Rashmi Kanta Das(III Edition) Vikas Publication
4 Programming in Java(Second Edition) by Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Choudhary, Oxford University Press



 (Practical Credit: 01)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Practical: P (U): 25 Marks P (I): 25 Marks Duration of University Exam. : 02 Hours ====================================================
1 Practicals are based on JAVA PROGRAMMING syllabus (subject code: BEIT505T)
2 There should be at the most two practicals per unit
3 Minimum ten practicals have to be performed
4 Do not include study experiments



(Theory Credit: 03)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lecture: 4 Hours/week Theory: T (U): 80 Marks T (I): 20 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours

Study of this subject provides an understanding of the scope of an industrial economics and entrepreneurship development, key areas of business development, sources of finance, project preparation, methods of taxation and tax benefits, significance of entrepreneurship and economic growth, application of engineering skills in entrepreneurial activities etc.
Industrial economics, Types of Business structures, top and bottom line of the organization, economic analysis of business, economics of operations, economic prudence in business.
Market structures-Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic competition. Pricing strategies, business integration-forward backward integration, economies of scale, diseconomies of scale, liberalization, privatization and globalization. Business cycles, optimum size of firm.
The functions of central bank and commercial banks, Foreign Direct Investment, Free trade vs. Protectionism, Capital formation, Inflation, Recession and stagnation, Inclusive growth, Public-Private partnership for development, Multiplier effect, Accelerator effect.
Entrepreneurship meaning, Major Motives Influencing an Entrepreneur, Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth. Project Formulation, Product development, Market Survey and Research, Demand forecasting techniques,Techno Economic Feasibility Assessment – Preparation of Preliminary Project Reports – Project Appraisal – Sources of Information – Classification of Needs and Agencies.
Need – Sources of Finance, Term Loans, Capital Structure, venture capital. Angel funding, Financial Institution, management of working Capital, Costing, Break Even Analysis, Network Analysis Techniques of PERT/CPM – Taxation – Direct, Indirect Taxes.
Sickness in small Business, Major problems faced by SSIs, Foreign Direct Investments and threat to SSI, Technical consultancy organizations, safeguard measures against variation in currency value, Government Policy for Small Scale Enterprises, tax holidays, and incentives to SSIs.
Industrial Economics. By, Ranjana Seth, Ane Book Pvt Ltd. Modern Economic Theory By, K.K. Dewett. S.Chand. Industrial Economics. By, Jagdish Sheth, Pearson Publication.
“Entrepreneurial Development” By, S.S.Khanka S.Chand & Co. Ltd. Ram Nagar New Delhi, 1999. Hisrich R D and Peters M P, “Entrepreneurship” 5th Edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. Management of Entrepreneurship. By, N.V.R. Naidu, I.K. International Pvt Ltd. Entrepreneurial Development. By, S.Anil Kumar. New Age International. Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, By, Dr. Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publication.
Business Economics. By, K.Rajgopalchar. Atalantic Publishers.Microeconomics. By, Robert PindykBusiness Economics. By, H.L. Ahuja,H. L. Ahuja,Louis Prof. De Broglie. S.Chand.
Rabindra N. Kanungo “Entrepreneurship and innovation”, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1998.

Financing Small Scale Industries in India, By, K.C.Reddy.Himalaya Publication.


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 8th Semester Syllabus BE Information Technology

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